
Showing posts from 2012

WARNING!!! You do not want to read this!

Let me warn you now - I am going to say some things that might make you mad. I don't care!    God has been moving my heart all year, and today I had the opportunity to explain somethings to a couple guys and as I did I started to realize that what I am preaching I'm not truly living. My Christmas was amazing and I love the joy my family gets from it, but is it possible to get the same joy from giving to those in need rather than ourselves? But I was also disappointed in myself because I vowed earlier this year to make a change yet I fell back into the same old trap that the Devil has set. I am meant to follow Christ in my life and put God first in everything I do. But i'm not.      Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be born in a manger, but not the nice pretty one you see in the nativity scenes. He lived his first 30 years poor studying what we call the old testament and became a carpenter from Nazareth. One sta...

Christmas Morning...

Well it's about 5 am and I have no other reason to be up besides the fact that I am overwhelmed with Joy!

The Secret to a Successful Reminder!!!!

           Date Night is a must..... All couples with kids need time to be around each other alone and get back into the groove. But date night usually ends up picking some place to eat then maybe a movie, in today's society most movies are garbage and 13 dollar popcorn just ain't worth it. Sometimes you need a reminder, and a refresher of sorts that can only be found in activities that bring back the reasons why you fell in love to begin with. My wife and I have had some mushy dates and some fun ones and I enjoy both equally.

The Secret to a Successful Needle in a Haystack!!!!

A link to our friends Chris and Megan Guthries's awesome recipe!!! " so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Not to Be Misinterpreted....

     How do you put a price on life? I can't begin to imagine the pain and suffering the people in CT must be going through. Yet immediately people want to place blame it on things like guns and God. Everyone wants to start to ask "why would God allow this" and they think it gives them justification to lose hope and not believe. I completely understand how one would think that. Evil will always have a way of causing destruction to our society and terrible things will happen day in and day out which we have no control over. I think it's a terrible tragedy and there is no justification and  to say "everything happens for a reason" has no place in such a monstrous act. 

The Secret to a Successful Kick A... Cookie

The Chucklate Chip Norris cookie is a hit for any occasion, so good it just might hurt a little!

The Secret to Successfully Questioning Expiration Dates.

     Everything has an expiration date, but how do you trust it? If a food product is frozen or canned what makes it go bad eventually if it is in the same state it has always been? Does it just become stale and uneatable?       There is something to be said about food that can last several years in the freezer or in a can and taste the same as it did the day it went in. I find it amazing that it can still maintain its flavor after so long of being locked away or frozen. Are we lucky to have such great assets as "hot pockets" and "pork 'n beans?" I don't know but is sure is nice. 

You will never be good enough...

I am coming to you live from my new iPhone app. Basically all I have to say to tonight is that you suck and that you are never going to be good enough. Now try not to get to much encouragement from that statement, but with that being said, you are still loved in the eyes of our lord. Everyone likes to put God into a small box thinking that he is nothing but a condemning,ruthless, tyrant looking at our faults. This is completely untrue because if it was he would have never sent his only son to die for our sins. It's pretty simple if you think about it. There is nothing you can, will, or would ever be able to do that would make you "worthy" enough to be in Gods favor so stop trying. You can't buy your way into heaven, there is no magic checklist of things you can do, there is no holy GPA or extra credit. There is only one way to get to heaven and to close the gap between you and an infinitely holy and loving God. Submission! You have to submit to his will and han...

The Secret to a Successful Apple Cinnamon Waffle from scratch

I'm back!!!!!! I know it's been awhile but I made these bad boys from scratch and they are awesome!!!

Never Forget!

Although the world has forgotten there are some of us who never will. Pearl Harbor link "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

On the Outside...

     On the outside I wear blue jeans almost everywhere I go, and I probably bought them on clearance. Most of my shirts start with a T and I have tattoos all over my body. I have a scraggly looking goatee mixed with grey and black. But If there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1-5)  and we are not to judge anyone does it really matter what I look like on the outside? Does it make me any less of the man that I am?

The Secret to Life's Little Puzzles Pieces!!!

     Change comes and change goes, and not many of us seem to conform to monotony. Although hard and strenuous on relationships and family’s people seem to transition from time to time. This past year has been full of change and not just in my own life. It's amazing how much can change in a year though, one minute you're walking a seeming less endless path or you're riding the waves in life's little hurricane. Or maybe you're just living your life day to day and it seems to be rotating on never ending clock of some sort. 

The Secret to a Secular Christmas (Satan's Favorite Holiday)

Per Wikipedia:   Christmas (Old English: CrÄ«stesmæsse, meaning "Christ's Mass") is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by billions of people around the world.

Things That Make Life Interesting.

  What makes your life interesting? Think about it for a moment and please, please respond to this post with something.      My life is made up of small "something’s" daily that makes it interesting. I try to notice things as I am out in public and it never fails. I don’t go rock climbing, I don’t snowboard, and I have a mountain bike that has fewer miles on it than car with square wheels. So basically I'm boring, in a nutshell, but I’m going to list a few things that I found striking delightful over the past few days:

The Secret to Successfully Survivng Four Days Without Texting!!!

         Last week Sprint had some kind of failure in their connectivity which restricted my text messaging. It's amazing how much I rely on my texts to communicate these days. I had at one point even considered going out to purchase a new phone just to accommodate. Text messaging is like an addiction to most people, myself included. It pained me to call people on the phone, which in return made me realize something about myself. I hate talking to people! Yes I know it's rude, but conversation has shortly become a nuisance to people in this day and age. Why speak when you can send an email or a short text message? 

The Secret to a Successfully Unforgettable Trip!!!

     I got the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia, PA this past week and as much as it pains me to travel out of town I am grateful that I get these chances to see things (for free!!!) that I would normally never get to see. Here is Philly there are some pretty interesting place to visit. First off this was "the place" that our country was formed. So to look at it now it is hard to imagine a bunch of men sitting around a table or probably a pub saying let's just form our own country. I mean think about it. Here these guys were willing to take on the world's largest and one of the oldest superpowers at the time. If only they knew then that we would be bailing Britain out of two world wars 150 years later right! But to walk around the same area and footsteps as George Washington, Ben Franklin, and John Hancock, the world’s most famous signature, and take all of that in was pretty moving. Not to mention that the place I am working is right next door to the PA Masonic...

The Secret to a Successful Creamed Corn!!!

I was very reluctant to give out this recipe but here you go. SERVINGS: 10PREP TIME: 10 MINUTESCOOK TIME: 20 MINUTESTOTAL TIME: 30 MINUTES INGREDIENTS: 2 lbs Frozen Corn 16 oz Cream Cheese, softened 1 stick Butter, ½ cup), divided ¾ cup Heavy Whipping Cream or Half-and-half 1 tsp Garlic 1 tsp Pepper 1 tsp Salt ¼ tsp Chili Powder ¼ tsp Paprika ½ cup Diced Canned Jalapenos, no juice 6 slices Bacon, chopped (optional DIRECTIONS: I cook my corn on the stove top with 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) of the butter and let it get nice and crispy. You might want to drain the butter out after. In a saucepan melt your cream cheese, remaining 1/2 stick butter, cream, and seasonings and stir until it becomes smooth, then add diced jalapenos and bacon. Once you have the corn and sauce cooked, mix together in a large serving bowl until combined. HELPFUL TIPS: In the summer time I use corn on the cob and cook it on the grill with some hickory wood, and it adds a good flavor to ...

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 6) The Introduction!!!

         How arrogant can one man be? Here I am telling anyone who wants to read it about how I forgave my wife. This was the woman that God gave me, to protect, lead, and most of all love. But here I was bragging in a sense about how hard it was for ME, like she owed me something. Who was I to do such a thing? I had forgotten about the man I had been for the last 8 years. I had sat in the spiritual passenger seat while my wife tried to be the glue of my family and when it all broke down I blamed her. Well let me tell you about my wife:

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 5) Swimming in Foolishness!!!

     It was July 19th and I sat on a bench in the Grapevine Mills mall with three tickets to the Aquarium in my hand. I called my wife and asked her to pray for me. I was so scared I was shaking and my stomach started to hurt. I thought several times of changing my mind and running away. But as I prayed and thought of my wife praying for me I knew I had to trust in God and man up. It was admittedly awkward at first getting to meet Avery for the first time. She was grown and she just thought I was this random guy. I hadn’t spoken to her in person for her entire life and I can only imagine what was going on in that little head of hers. But at the end of that day I felt so relieved to have finally met her. It made me think of my girls back home and how much they were alike. It also made me ask myself why? Why did I run from this little girl who was funny, and beautiful and awesome to be around? I guess I would have to compare it to how we run from God. It is our own fear...

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 4) Trust!!!

               Sometimes to get over the past and to move on you have to turn around and hit it head on instead of running from it. I had so much pain and anger built inside of me that had taken up so much of my heart that there was not much left to give. I’ve come to understand that Jesus can help you repair the wounds and heal the scars if you let him. But that is something easier said than done. I had to face my fears and address these issues that I had let secretly rule my life in one way or another if I was ever going to get through life. But like all things it had to start from the top down. The barriers I had built up between my wife and I had to come down. That was a wall that was going to take a lot of time and effort and still does to this day. But to love my wife I had to first love myself and to love myself I had to own up to my faults and fears by addressing the people who had caused me pain.

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 3) Finding Strength in the pain!!!

          I was hurting inside and angry at the world, I had lost my drive. I love my wife but I wasn’t respecting her, there were skeleton's in the closet that needed to come out. But like all things God wanted me to start somewhere that would give me some confidence again. I felt this overwhelming urge to get my life back on track, so I went full board and stepped up to the task. I felt a new motivation in life and I began to focus on my diet, my health and my body. I started hitting the gym and eating the right foods in a little over 6 weeks I had managed to drop almost 30 lbs and quit smoking. I was proud of myself and so was my wife, but as I started to change there were others around me who were not meeting my needs as friends and a good support group. All the changes were not enough to satisfy my heart’s emptiness.

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 2) Falling Down!!!

         When I arrived in Afghanistan I was an outcast and didn't know how to make friends. I had denied God and just kind of wanted to survive on my own. My marriage got rough at first but my wife held on and tried to keep in touch. I started to shut her out and get caught up in the fact that I was lonely. I remember Christmas Eve and Christmas day, not knowing anyone, watching the entire season one of 24. That's almost twenty four hours straight of just sitting in a wooden "box" about 6 feet x 6 feet. I slowly began to get to know some folks but I also became the blunt of their jokes. The winter was cold and being there humbled me to a point of a weird mental state. Seeing a man kiss his son's feet in the hospital who was about to die of his wounds from an IED. Getting caught in a rut and left by a unit on a random field outing and truly fearing death is a bad feeling. I can remember watching a rocket fly overheard my guard station and land no more than 4...

No Secrets.....My Testimony (part 1) Finding Redemption!!!

    This is a series that will lay out what has transpired in my life for the last several years. I felt burdened to tell those the truth and not hold back.      I write this Testimony as someone who has failed and is yet to fail. A hypocrite and a sinner, yet I am redeemed and I am loved. My life before I turned 19 was interesting to say the least. I don't want to detail it out but I will say there were things that I did that I was not proud of. I was a lost soul and was doing my best to make it through life the only way I knew how, alone. Through a series of unfortunate events I found myself in a Church on Christmas Eve of 2002 thanks to the love of a very close friend. I was broken, lost and in pain. I never really knew what it was like to be inside a Church but it felt good and I got to know some people my age that I found to be very strange. I didn't understand why they never cussed, or never watched movies that had gratuitous sex or violence. I accept...

Veterans Day...

What makes someone special? Not many of us out there have felt the call to serve our country but those who have, sacrifice everyday to make a difference. Here is just one story of a man who found his calling and rose to the occasion:  Adam Brown

The Secret to Successfully Coming Out of the Closet(the new way)!!!

"Coming out of the closet" is a phrase that was created for people deciding to let the world know about their sexual orientation. But as time has gone by it has become more commonplace and accepted and mainstream, versus a time when it was almost a means of social suicide.

The Secret to a Successful Cheat Day(Volume # 5) Oatmeal Raisin Pancakes!

Serving size 4 large 6 medium pancakes Ingredients: 1 cup pankcake mix 1 cup quick oats 3/4 cup water 4 tbsp melted slighlty cooled butter 3 tbsp of brown sugar 1 and 1/2 tbsp cinnamon or pumpkin spice 3/4 to 1 (generous) cup of raisins Instructions: First off I like thick pancakes so make sure the mix is up to your personally preference. I use a large spoon to scoop the mix onto a med-low heated and greased pan. My mix is not runny whatsoever so keep that in mind but they are also about a half inch thick so I only eat one.....yum!!! Cook the pancakes to perfection and eat! "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

The Secret to a Successful Queso dip!!!

Cook time about 1 hour Ingredients: 6 Oz cream cheese diced and softened (left out till room temp) ¾ cup of cream 8 Oz Queso cheese hand shredded 4 Oz Colby jacked hand shredded 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp flour ½ onion diced 1 small can of diced chile peppers drained 2 tbsp diced jalapenos 1 can of diced fire roasted tomatoes or just 1 can Rotel ¼ tbsp garlic ¼ teaspoon cayenne ½  can to 1 full can black beans In a large pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onions, and peppers and cayenne and garlic cook, stirring, until very soft, about 6 minutes. Add the flour and stir until thickened, 1 to 2 minutes. Slowly add the milk or cream and stir until thick, 3 to 4 minutes. Move the mixture into a preheated double boiler, if not leave in the same pan and lower the heat slightly and then add the cheeses and cook, stirring, until melted and well incorporated. Add the Rotel and black beans and cook till warm about 20-30 minutes. "so is my word that goes out from m...

The Secret to a Successful Day After!

     So driving home today I was listening to the radio and the guy said something that really made sense to me. He said Government is only one Aspect of our lives, so no matter what happens WE still choose the type of lives we want to live; we still choose the type of people we want to be. So to quote William Wallace:

The Secret to Successfully Leading Spiritually!!! (don't be a coward)

     "You have a roof over your head and food on the table, what else do you want from me." Too many Fathers and husbands feel like this is the end all be all of their duties here on earth. But what most of us fail to realize is, yes you can provide for your children a million times over, but if you fail to lead them as a devoted follower then you have failed. Jesus asks of us:  Matthew 16:26 New International Version (NIV) What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

The Secret to Successfully Voting!

Politics, the worlds greatest scam!      I don't like talking politics with people, in fact I can't stand it. I can never agree with someone and they all think I am crazy. But just like everything else in life, politics and voting has become a game of popularity. Too many people put there life into the hands of crooks, and there views come from the media. if you are thinking for some strange reason that any of those folks really care about you is insane. Politics have become a cat and mouse game for people driven but greed and self righteousness. The only honest politicians are the ones whom nobody votes for.      I know enough about the current president to see that he is not a good person, he is down right viscous but that does not automatically mean I like Romney. In my mind men like George Washington were a dying breed 200 years ago. It only took a short time before politics became a race for a guy wearing a suit to promote an agenda for w...

The Secret to a Successful Cheat Day(Volume # 4) Good ole fashioned Donuts

Yes I know it's been awhile since I have posted a cheat day. With the way life has been going lately I guess I have just gotten side tracked.      Yesterday me and my girls ventured to a lovely local bakery(Paul's) and got some Donuts. I love a good donut, and I love a good danish. I and not a big fan of Krispy Kreme or DD though. Where I come from the best donuts are the mom and pop fried and glazed donuts. I love a good ole' fashioned fried donut that does not come off some assembly line. I highly suggest that one day you venture out and do the same and hit up your favorite local donut shop!! I promise to get back on track the best I can this week enjoy the lovely weekend!!! "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Stuffed Baked Potato Casserole

SERVINGS: 5 PREP TIME: 1 HOUR COOK TIME: 1 HOUR TOTAL TIME: 2 HOURS INGREDIENTS: Pulled Chicken: 3 Large Chicken Breasts Bbq Seasoning Bbq Sauce 1 Cup Potatoes: 5 Large Regular Potatoes or Ten New Potatoes ½ – 1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream 6 oz Whipped Cream Cheese 1 stick Butter 6 Pieces of Bacon Cooked & Chopped ½ cup Sour Cream 1 Tbsp or Salt/pepper/garlic/onion Powder 1 cup Cheese DIRECTIONS: Pulled chicken: Put thawed chicken breasts into crock pot season and cook for about an hour or so. Take the chicken out and pull apart and add your favorite BBQ sauce a little at a time till moist but not soaked. Potatoes: Dice the potatoes and boil with 2 tbsp of salt till easily punctured with a fork(about 15 minutes). Let drain completely and then place in large mixing bowl. Heat up butter, cream, cream cheese, and sour cream until melted. Add seasoning then add mixture to potatoes a little at a time and use mixer to whip potatoes until completely whipped...

The Secret to Successfully Surviving! ( the tale of a two year olds Birthday)

Made in China, Chuck e Cheese, and birthday cake are the key to survival in this day and age.      So my daughter turned two on the 30th and we just deemed it appropriate to have the traditional Chuck E Cheese party.  I love a place that has the motto “where a kid can be a kid” but does that apply to adults also? I mean I just can’t help myself when I get there, It brings back old memories and I get...the itch… you know the one! The itch to shoot some ski ball, and shove some 4 year old out of the way to get some tickets you see on the floor. The itch to spend 200 bucks on a spider ring and some laffy taffy! Don’t act like you don’t get a kick out of cheating the mini basketball game, you know the one, you can stand at the front and dunk the ball without even a full extension, you know you do it too! But I guess in this case the motto is applied best when your five year old daughter tells you how she “found” some tickets, and “found” some coins, and even somehow m...

Operation Christmas Child

Image "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

The Secret to a Successful Storm Survival

       Due to Hurricane Sandy the entire northeast has been rushing to prepare for the worst. I myself already had a good amount of items I just needed some water. I stopped at Target last night and it was slim pickings but luckily all I needed was a couple things. But the few things I did see that were bare bones were slightly comical. I tried to imagine in my head someone else's storm prep list compared to what I saw last night. It would go as follows: 1. Water 2. Iceberg lettuce  3. Bananas  4. Cheez it's 5. Beer 6. And potato chips For one thing, I am willing to bet that most people have enough food in their pantry to last them for a week. I mean all you need is some cereal; canned meat and canned veggies and you can live just fine. I can completely understand the water, and fruit but I also saw a few people buying a lot of camping cook gear. I don't know about the rest of the world but I can survive a coup...

The Secret to a Successful Twice Baked Stuffed Potato!

Very simple recipe - Get some large potatoes and bake them in the oven, make sure to sprinkle some sea salt and Olive Oil on them and wrap in foil. At the same time STEAM some chicken breast or use Rachael Ray's recipe below.  - Season the chicken with salt and pepper and place in a heavy pot with the onion, garlic and just enough water to cover (about 1-1/2 cups). Add the barbecue sauce, vinegar and a few drops hot sauce and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Remove the chicken from the sauce and shred with two forks. I prefer to steam the chicken because you lose nutrients when you boil it. Anyways after cooking the chicken "shred it and put in a bowl with some BBQ sauce. I like Stubbs or Sticky fingers (Wal-Mart). Take the potatoes out and cut them in half, then gut the potatoes into a bowl leaving the skins intact. Add some butter, sour cream or cream cheese, whipping cream, and some chopped bacon, chiv...

The Secret to a Successful spaghetti and (stuffed)meatball dinner!

I love spaghetti and meatballs! If you don't own a NuWave oven then your missing out. this think is exactly what they say it is on the commercial. Meatball ingredients: 1 and 1/2 lbs of ground beef or turkey 1 small solid Mozzarella cheese ball 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese 1/4 onion finely chopped 1/4 green bell pepper chopped 1/2 cup of quick oats 3/4 cup milk 1 egg 1/2 table spoon of garlic 1/2 table spoon Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon of salt/pepper/paprika olive oil Combine all these ingredients(except cheeses) by hand. use a 1/4 cup per meatball and flatten it into a hamburger patty, take a marble size bit of mozzarella and marble size ricotta cheese and stuff it into the center. Fold up the sides and make it into a meatball by rolling it in your palms. Let the finished meatballs rest in the fridge for like 20 minutes. I cook my meatballs in my Nuwave oven. but you can cook them either in the oven or in a skillet with ...

Coming events...

Stay tuned, because this weekend I will be filming my first video recipe.... "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

The Secret to Successfully Loving Your Spouse "Part 2" (Sacrificing your manhood)

     I love my wife dearly, so from time to time it results in me unselfishly fulfilling requests at any cost. Last night my wonderful wife convinced me to attend an aerobics class for her since she has been recently put on "the bench." Reluctantly I agreed and proceeded to suite up for class. The last class I attended with her was actually a pretty intense workout. The class was a kickboxing type class, so it was also manly ! Well the class last night, which I am not knocking, was more of a mix of Boy band type dance moves, some running, and some good ole' fashion Footloose type stuff. Now I'm no Kevin Bacon, meaning I can two step with the best of them and I can even do some rocking out stage dives during Karaoke night, but getting footloose is not for Mr. Siar. Don't get me wrong now there is no doubt that there was a workout involved, so if your planning on wearing a spandex one piece in near future, then go for it. I just consider myself more of a grunting ...

Through Any Circumstance...

      But know this, that through any situation whether it be bad or good. God will always find a way for his glory to shine for those who are faithful. God is always with us and no circumstance is too difficult for God to handle. Don't let the matters of pain and fear in this world overcome you, rejoice in him always and know that God will find a way for his glory to reign even if we never see it first hand in our own lives. From - (Romans 8:28-30)      What did Paul mean by this? I'll tell you what I think. Life is hard and there is never going to be an explanation for everything that happens in life. I was explaining to my girls Monday night that God will always bring Glory to any situation no matter the circumstance. Now that doesn't mean that death, suffering, and unexplained circumstances are "great" acts of God. That would just be too cold to tell someone that through some uncanny tragic event in life that it was a good thing. But from what...

The secret to my SUCCESS (issue # 6) Three cheese ravioli with spicy tomato sauce!

     I slightly stole some parts of this recipe from my wife.... Ingredients: 1 package of your favorite ravioli or tortellini I think the thicker the better. 4-6 tablespoons of salt sauce: 1 can Rotel(diced tomatoes and green Chiles)drained 1 can tomato paste 1 cup hot water 1 can Rotel tomato sauce 1 teaspoon garlic 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon salt/pepper 1 6 oz of cream cheese 1 cup of raw baby spinach 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese Directions: Boil 8 cups of water and salt in a large tall pot. When the water meets a rapid boil add the raviolis and cook per instructions. In a separate pot(while waiting on water to boil) combine the tomato paste and hot water and whisk together, then Rotel, sauce, seasonings. bring to med heat "boil" then reduce to a simmer and add the cheeses an spinach stirring occasionally. Cook the sauce until the raviolis are done. Tips: Cover both pot...

Double Parking, Our Smart Phone Demise, and PB Fluff Sandwiches!!!

     There is nothing like going to the park (or anywhere) and having 4 cars double parked in the front row because some "guys" think their 2005 Chevy's are priceless. I'll never understand where people get the nerve to think they can double park in the parking lot, but worst than that pick the front row. If you're going to double park then use the back of the parking lot. But, I will say that nothing irritates me more than someone using a handicap parking spot for their own personal gain. Handicap parking spots are for people who are truly disabled and some of those people have "earned" those spots. My grandfather fought in WWII and Korea, he earned his purple hearts and he also EARNED the right to double, triple, and handicap park anywhere on this planet! I wish I had one of those eject buttons that I could press when someone parks in a way that totally makes it inconvenient for those of us who do the right thing !       I als...

The Beach boys!

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

The Secret to a Successful week as "Mr. Mom"

     "This is a preemptive shh...!"      My wonderful, darling, gorgeous wife had to go into surgery on Tuesday hence sticking Daddy with the duties that only Mommy can perform! My wife does an amazing job at keeping three girls in line and our home clean while working on other peoples houses to pull in some extra cash. So when taking on this task it was more daunting than I had originally anticipated.     You see, I have a high stress job that requires me to produce multi million dollar events in a matter of days with as many as 300 people working for me at one time. Most days I get up at 3:30 am and don't get home till close to 8-10 pm or so and I can average up to 10 -12 miles of walking daily. Not to mention a lot of times my managerial duties consist of telling grown adult to things and they just look at you like your nuts. If anyone is looking for an application let me know i'll hook you up!      Now, that ...

Why I choose Chick -fil-a!!!

       Tonight was a kids’ night at our favorite restaurant..... Chick-fil-a! The place plays out like that song from Cheers. I want to go where everyone knows my name, calls me sir and says "my pleasure". Man I'd hate to be the guy who gets caught not using that term 50 times a day. One of the girls tonight was so used to being nice that she knocked over some towelettes behind me while I was in line and realized afterwards that she had apologized to the counter. I mean I have never, ever walked into a Chick-fil-a and had a bad experience. Never have I walked in there and felt like I was at McDonalds with some rude person behind the counter using these terms..."yeah"...."what's up"....."What Chu wants"..... I once had to speak to a manger because the girl on the intercom got frustrated with me and I heard her say in the background "what's wrong with these people." Really?      I love the fact that the place is always...

My life through this storm!!!

     My life through this storm is pretty blinding. I think of all the things that have transpired and I wonder how God could love me? A lot of people wonder how they could love God, or why they should love God. What arrogance we have! I imagine the day that I get to kneel before Jesus and pray that he kneels down over me and says...."I have been waiting." Oh what the overwhelming emotion of God' grace for me and the happiness he will grant me over this life will be like.      We are all to be in the world but not of the world. But what does even mean? Is it possible to be in the world and simultaneously denying the world the power to rule over you? It's not easy! The world has a good way of distorting the truth; men are not taught to be caring and compassionate towards others. That wouldn't serve the world's purpose, we are supposed to grunt and kill stuff!!! Men are at war with the world and its lies! Every sitcom and magazine is nothing but a cruise ...

The secret to my SUCCESS (issue # 5) Understanding God's purpose

     For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord!(Isaiah 55:8-9)      How can we know the plans that God has for us? How can we know if we are living the life God has meant for us to live? If you believe in God but live life YOUR way, then do you really believe?     What if I told you God has a plan for your life and all you have to do his follow the instructions? Would you do it? God does have a plan for our life but it is nothing like you want it to be. I hear a lot of people complain about how God doesn't answer prayers, and how can a loving God allow such things in this world. Honestly I have no idea. It's beyond my comprehension to understand the who, what, when, where and why's. The instruction book of life does come with a "decoder ring" though, it's called the Holy Spirit. In which God lives in you and through you to guide you. But this decoder ring comes with a few requireme...

The secret to a Successful Pulled Pork Chili!!!

     Ingredients: 1 large pork butt roast(4 lbs or so) or pork shoulder 1 can black beans drained and rinsed 1 can red kidney beans drained and rinsed 1 can fire roasted tomatoes drained 1 can rotel drained 4 cans tomato sauce 1 onion chopped 6-8 sliced of bacon cooked and chopped 8 oz water 1  can corn drained Two Carroll Shelby's chili kits(2lbs per kit) Get a large crock pot and put your pork in on low heat for about 8 hours, high heat 4 hours, low is better....just let it cook over night or all day. I like to season it with a little liquid smoke and some BBQ seasoning rub. You will know it is down when you try to pull it out and it just falls apart on you. Once you "pull it" completely apart in the crock pot let it rest in the juice for about ten minutes no heat. After that pull the meat out into a bowl or pan and drain the juices. Add the meat back to the crock pot and then combine all the ingredients and let it cook for about 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours...