
Showing posts from November 18, 2012

The Secret to Successfully Survivng Four Days Without Texting!!!

         Last week Sprint had some kind of failure in their connectivity which restricted my text messaging. It's amazing how much I rely on my texts to communicate these days. I had at one point even considered going out to purchase a new phone just to accommodate. Text messaging is like an addiction to most people, myself included. It pained me to call people on the phone, which in return made me realize something about myself. I hate talking to people! Yes I know it's rude, but conversation has shortly become a nuisance to people in this day and age. Why speak when you can send an email or a short text message? 

The Secret to a Successfully Unforgettable Trip!!!

     I got the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia, PA this past week and as much as it pains me to travel out of town I am grateful that I get these chances to see things (for free!!!) that I would normally never get to see. Here is Philly there are some pretty interesting place to visit. First off this was "the place" that our country was formed. So to look at it now it is hard to imagine a bunch of men sitting around a table or probably a pub saying let's just form our own country. I mean think about it. Here these guys were willing to take on the world's largest and one of the oldest superpowers at the time. If only they knew then that we would be bailing Britain out of two world wars 150 years later right! But to walk around the same area and footsteps as George Washington, Ben Franklin, and John Hancock, the world’s most famous signature, and take all of that in was pretty moving. Not to mention that the place I am working is right next door to the PA Masonic...