The secret to a successful once in a lifetime Sunday....

Tomorrow my family with be attending church as usual, only we will be missing our normal service for a 10 minute ceremony to dedicate our 2 year old daughter Isabella. As a father in today's world how do you successfully stand in front of a congregation of people, whom you hardly know, and promise to teach your daughter about all of God's love and marvelous wonder? You see I met Jesus when I was 19 after years of struggle and a life that was in shambles. It took me almost 10 years to truly recognize what it means to "claim" to be a Christian, and folks i'm about a 1.2 out 10(thousand). But tomorrow I get the opportunity to stand in front of lots of people and make a promise that I will do all I can to be a full time father, full time husband, full time provider, and a full time Christ follower. That's a lot of hats to wear, good thing I don't need a comb. I do know this though, if it were not for the Grace of God I would have n...