The Secret to Successfully Coming Out of the Closet(the new way)!!!

"Coming out of the closet" is a phrase that was created for people deciding to let the world know about their sexual orientation. But as time has gone by it has become more commonplace and accepted and mainstream, versus a time when it was almost a means of social suicide.

    Now a day’s though I feel as though society has gotten over the coming out stage and has moved on. However, there is a community of people who have become the new normal for shutting themselves inside a closet and locking themselves away from the outside world. I know this is a crazy way to describe this situation but it is the best way I know how to, seeing as the comparison is so similar. So forgive me if you do not approve of my wording but I would think by now most people know how I am and have come to love or hate me. 

     Are you in the closet? Do you shelter yourself away and deny yourself to "save face?" The Christian population is coming more and more sheltered and more and more closeted. I know countless people who refuse to show their faith to anyone who is not in their "clique." There are some Christians who are told by society that we can't share our faith or we will be dismissed and labeled as a heretic. There are also some Christians who will admit to believing in God (but act slightly ignorant to his existence) but are timid and some time cowardly. Society is slowly moving from a nation that was not afraid to announce publicly how they felt, not afraid to pray for those in need, and do it nationally..... It was a celebrated gesture that was commonplace. In 1970 the entire nation was asked by the President to pray for the Apollo 13 astronauts. Today the President and other politicians, teachers, and CHRISTIANS all but deny the existence of God. 

     What I like to call closet Christians are those whom which you can know for years and never find out they go to the same church as you, or at those of us that refuse to bow our heads in public because we think we will be looked at funny. And what's bad about that is some of the people who would look at you funny are Christians too. But nevertheless we decide more and more that we will choose not to share our faith because we are worried about the consequences, worried about being questioned. But yet we will privately go to church on Sunday and learn about people in the bible that God used for his glory who were persecuted daily. In fact 3/4 of the bible tells us time after time that people were put into extreme circumstances because of their faith, yet you and I will stand behind the excuse of not wanting to lose our jobs or friends because of our faith. If you look back at the 12 apostles who were handpicked by Jesus Christ you will find that these 12 ordinary men.... 12..... spread the word of God and instituted modern day Christiananity. Something no one had ever even heard of until then. You will also find that these men did not lose their jobs or friends, they lost their lives. They were beheaded and crucified, some upside down, they were stoned to death, etc. But if these men had not followed the commands of Jesus and stood firm and screamed it from the mountain tops where would we be today? 

     You can choose to live your Christian life in a closet and retain all the nice things you have, and keep all your friends; but now as you proceed and you complain about the way the world is then ask yourself what you're doing for the kingdom of God. This country is in dire straits and we all see it, yet we choose to conform to society instead of standing firm in our faith. We decide to use the phrase "do not judge" to justify why we let things happen. We forget that if you know the true story of Jesus he did not judge but he spoke the truth and never allowed anyone to convince him otherwise. You can love and still hold strong in what you believe. If you know the story of Paul, who was a murdering, persecuting, selfish man; You will also know that Jesus chose him and revealed himself to Paul and moved his heart, moved it to change lives for the sake of God and provide the truth to many. Paul was just a man though, and we are no different than him or anyone else that God has chosen throughout the ages. When Jesus Christ enters your life he expects you to come out of the closet and share with the whole world how he has changed your life. For anyone who does not know Jesus Christ personally I highly encourage you to seek him, and let him turn you into a disciple and move you to do great things in his name. Joseph, Daniel, Moses, Jeremiah, Mathew, Luke, Paul, Peter, James, and many others all were faithful followers of God's plans for their life and all have been just normal people who did great things. I urge all Christians to put the fear in your life aside and trust God to lead you, come out of the closet and let the whole world know YOU are a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and let nothing stand in your way!!!

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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