
Showing posts from January 26, 2014

How can God exist, with all this evil in the world?

Maybe he just doesn’t care! Maybe he’s just an egotistical mass murderer that wants us all to bow down at his feet and worship him! Maybe he is evil himself and we are just pawns in some sadistic game! Yeah! Yeah, that’s it! But wait there is more; maybe he loves us so much that although we are all evil, he still sent his only begotten son, a spotless lamb to die for us!  But wait a second, that doesn’t sound like the God I described above. But… how can he be both? Or is it….. Is it maybe he can’t be both?

How Angels Eat French Toast

Angel food cake French Toast- First, I must admit this was not my original idea, but I tried it and loved it! Six large eggs, beaten well 3/4 cup half and half 2 tablespoons brown sugar Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon cinnamon "Sauce" 4 tables spoons butter 4 tablespoons cream cheese 1/2 cup table syrup After beating the eggs, add the ingredients, then mix, but mix well. Poor in a small pan, like a square brownie dish. Get yourself an angel food cake, or bake your own. If you bake your own you should follow the directions, but try to bake it loaf style. Cut the cake into 1" pieces Let the cake soak in the egg mixture for about a minute a side, then cook on medium heat in melted butter in the skillet.. Melt the butter, cream cheese and syrup in the microwave about 15-20 seconds at a time stirring in between. " so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve ...

When the Devil joined Facebook!

If you were to bring up technology today in a coffee house discussion, people would probably get excited and go on and on about shows, blogs, FB media posts etc. But one subject that I doubt would come up, or a topic that would not be much discussed might be the moral decline of society over the last 60 years. The increase in pornography addiction, adultery, divorce and decrease in personal relationships and the overall state of our society as a whole can be directly related to this. Society has always had its problems and this is not a new thing. In fact societies since the beginning of time have suffered these issues. But what is the real impact on society due to the increase in technology? Of course there are amazing things that we get from this explosion of plastic and touch screens, like advancements in emergency response and instant communication. We are sharing experiences from across the world in an instant, watching things unfold from the other side of the world an...

Atheism, the new child's play.

     My kids like to come up with excuses all the time for why they do things. They like to try to convince me that the reason they had for doing something wrong was justified. At about that moment is when I have to tell them no and continue on to explain to them why their actions were wrong. Now there is an imperative reason behind this. You see, as a Christian and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have an absolute moral standard to live by. Wrong is wrong and right is right per God’s moral absolutes. My kids don’t always like that, and tend to rebel from time to time, which usually ends up with me punishing them for whatever said mishap they have committed. There are reasons for this interaction, I teach my children that it is out of love that we do not do things against others. I also teach them it is because of love that we do do things for others as well. These principles are not only written into my heart by my creator and designer (the almighty God) but they ar...