Start it, Finish it...Done!!!

A lot of us, if not most of us, heck maybe even all of us at some time have chosen to do something or start something, quit something on a predetermined day in the future. Being new years we probably all have been waiting and plotting and telling ourselves we are going to do such said thing starting January 1st. I do it, every year! But what’s terrible is a lot of times I find myself doing it every year. We start off with the best intentions and end the year repeating the same mistakes we did before. Or we try to binge the last few days on what it was that we decided to give up (irony); In turn hindering our chance of success over the one thing that has had such a grasp on us to begin with. Now I don’t have the cure for what ails you and I can’t give you the answer to how to be successful, but I can encourage you to keep it up. But what seems to be odd about these “demons” in our everyday life is that most times...