
Showing posts from January 19, 2014

You Can't Press This!

I like to fancy myself as a connoisseur, though I have only been a part of the club for about two weeks. 

The New Label - you're probably going to hate me.

I like to consider myself to be Anti -“pro”      Here is what I mean by that, everyone is pro something. But what I don’t seem to be able to grasp is how our last few generations, beginning in the sixties, are so PRO everything but “Pro- commonsense ”. How can someone consider themselves to be Pro-choice, yet have the audacity to PRO-test against war? They are Pro-choice, but yet they PRO-test against the right to PRO-tect yourself with the second amendment. I mean they can be just fine taking life of an innocent child, but yet they don’t want you to arm yourself, protect your family and stand up against tyranny and evil abroad (oh yeah, or eat meat). The PRO-choice moment has killed almost ten times the innocent children than the Nazi moment!      Look, I've been there, I don’t want our soldiers dying any more than anyone else, but the world needs someone to stand up against oppression and fight for people’s civil liberties. Is it America’s...

What'd you call me?!?!

Are Christians truly hypocrites?          Look, I don’t claim to know the whole bible, and I certainly don’t claim to be perfect. But here is what I do know, God is real and Christ was his son. Now ask me to explain the Holy Trinity….. Uh.... Exactly.      A lot of people tend to stereotype Christians and the Church. They know what we stand for so they automatically assume we judge people and condemn them. Stereotypes are bad news because they are based either one experience or the minority of one group. People know I’m an avid follower of Jesus Christ and yet when they fail to get to know me and they make off color comments about who I am or what I believe. Shamefully, they just assume and don’t know the truth. Do I believe in right and wrong? Do I express myself openly? Do I try to lead a life reflective of my beliefs? All of the above are.... True.      But do you really know what the difference is between a Christian ...