The Secret to Successfully Questioning Expiration Dates.
Everything has an
expiration date, but how do you trust it? If a food product is frozen or canned
what makes it go bad eventually if it is in the same state it has always been?
Does it just become stale and uneatable?
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
There is something to be said about food that can last several years in the
freezer or in a can and taste the same as it did the day it went in. I find it
amazing that it can still maintain its flavor after so long of being locked
away or frozen. Are we lucky to have such great assets as "hot
pockets" and "pork 'n beans?" I don't know but is sure is
Speaking of expiration dates, have you thought of yours? I was thinking today
about how we are all given a chance, regardless of our beliefs, to leave this
earth with an indelible impression. I know there is no way we are all just
randomly here on earth by some cosmic accident billions of years ago; but even
if we are should that stop us from living a life of purpose? If you had an
expiration date stamped on your forehead and you knew that when that day came
you were to be tossed out with the dirty diapers wouldn't you try to make the
most of it, or would you live it selfishly? If we are all
here because certain gases formed together to bring life then we are
all just meaningless blobs of skin and bones wandering this earth aimlessly
without purpose or cause. But I think if that were true then all the amazing
people who have left such huge legacies behind for others to celebrate would
have been forgotten. The memories of those who have dwelt among us and made
huge impact on our lives would not be so meaningful after all. We should all
live with a sense of purpose and a sense of "expiration" because
regardless of what you believe, somewhere out there in the near future is an
expiration date. Do you want to be just the next hot pocket that sat in the
freezer too long and never got to see its true purpose in life fulfilled? Or do
you want to be that delectable lunch time satisfaction for some individual
trying to make it thorough to the next day?
think we should all question our own expiration date and make sure that when it
comes we did our very best to be meaningful in our actions and impacting in our
relationships. I think part of being successful in life is to make sure we
don't get freezer burn from leaving our hearts hidden away to become cold and
bitter. Don't let your life get spoiled in the pantry because you couldn't find
the can opener. We are not just walking, talking, breathing, bacteria. You can
make that difference that so many others before you have made in the past; you
can make a lasting impact on the loved ones and friends that surround
The Secret to
Successfully questioning an expiration date is to live each day like we're all
just one step away from being tossed out, and start trying to life a life that
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
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