
Showing posts from September 1, 2013

Ding: "you have a new message"

Have you ever wondered why they named junk email SPAM? Maybe because it's crap, and goes well with a side of “stop wasting my time.” But sometimes I admit I like reading it because they are so crazy. Like this one: Brethren, this is to notify you that  one of the company I inherited from my husband deposited a total sum of Ј8 , 763,280.00 GBP which is equivalent to $13,242,928.02 USD Million in a long-term deposit account in a Financial Home here in UK. Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for Oesophagi Cancer. I've since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only few years to live I mean come on, who really buys into this stuff? And who has the time to concoct such a ludicrous email? I’ll never understand how the world can be such a conniving place, or how gullible innocence can be.  After high school I worked (unintentionally) with a man who was once caught going door to door to old w


          Do you ever sit back and wonder why?... What’s this all about?... I mean the whole world seems to revolve around money. We’re born, we grow older, we get an education to learn how to make money, we go to college, so we can make more money, and we get a job to make money just to spend it all. Why are our lives so subjected to money? Why do I wake up each morning so I can drive to work to make my money by making some other money by taking some other guys money that did the same thing before me? Is that the meaning of life?

A little Humble pie anyone???

I had the recent experience of getting to work on a show that was produced by a local ministry. The event was quite a large one and had multiple facilities and big names. Now if you don’t know what I do for a living that is fine, but during an event like this I do the setups and a lot of backstage and behind the scenes.  Now for my own personal lifestyle choices I will have to say I didn’t expect to see the things I did on this event. I’ve always been scared of big churches and large events that use God as the vehicle. You can’t always trust the motives of those behind them and although I think a lot of the information being put out was good, I got to see sides of people I didn’t expect. The almighty dollar always seems to reign supreme to even the most spiritual.  Religion has a bad rap nowadays and there is usually a huge “BOO!!!” when all you hear are churches asking for money, etc. Then for many to see an event like this where a lot of unnecessary money is spent and you still hea