Ding: "you have a new message"

Have you ever wondered why they named junk email SPAM? Maybe because it's crap, and goes well with a side of “stop wasting my time.” But sometimes I admit I like reading it because they are so crazy. Like this one: Brethren, this is to notify you that one of the company I inherited from my husband deposited a total sum of Ј8 , 763,280.00 GBP which is equivalent to $13,242,928.02 USD Million in a long-term deposit account in a Financial Home here in UK. Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for Oesophagi Cancer. I've since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only few years to live I mean come on, who really buys into this stuff? And who has the time to concoct such a ludicrous email? I’ll never understand how the world can be such a conniving place, or how gullible innocence can be. After high school I worked (unintentionally) with a man who was once caught going door to door to old w...