The Secret to a Successful week as "Mr. Mom"

     "This is a preemptive shh...!"
     My wonderful, darling, gorgeous wife had to go into surgery on Tuesday hence sticking Daddy with the duties that only Mommy can perform! My wife does an amazing job at keeping three girls in line and our home clean while working on other peoples houses to pull in some extra cash. So when taking on this task it was more daunting than I had originally anticipated.

    You see, I have a high stress job that requires me to produce multi million dollar events in a matter of days with as many as 300 people working for me at one time. Most days I get up at 3:30 am and don't get home till close to 8-10 pm or so and I can average up to 10 -12 miles of walking daily. Not to mention a lot of times my managerial duties consist of telling grown adult to things and they just look at you like your nuts. If anyone is looking for an application let me know i'll hook you up!

     Now, that being said, the average day taking care of three girls at one time is admittedly much more stressful at times. I can sum it up like this: Zookeeper  MMA referee, maid, chef, dictator, shoulder to lean on, the bus driver, dishwasher, trash man (or woman), "big meanie" and circus ringmaster.... When I was not pulling my kids off each other I have spent most of my time saying things six times and wiping tears after administering time outs. It's amazing how when you get one kid to hear the other automatically stops almost like it’s orchestrated. I swear my kids must have secret meetings in some underground lair making these diabolical plans. And, I never knew how fast a two year could move and how much attitude could come from someone so tiny. It just doesn't seem so cute when a 2 foot tall blonde says "no!" and knows exactly what it means. In my everyday world I hold some Authoritarian weight and I get to use the phrase "you're fired" daily. At home it's more like this..."go brush your teeth".... (Ten minutes later) "Did you brush?"...Faith: "no"...why..."I don't know" or "I couldn't"...."so go brush!"..."fine"..... repeat 5 times!!!! I also get reminded of those scenes with Dr. Evil every time I get into an argument with Riley. "I got a whole bag of SHH with your name on it!"

I have a good feeling why this is happening though. Revenge from God for my trickery as a child!!!

     Well probably not, but regardless of all the things my children have NOT done I rarely ever get to see them. So I have and will continue to make the best of it, children need love and compassion as do we all and I am so thankful I have got to have this experience. Although the laundry and dishes were probably done all wrong (sorry honey) I could totally be happy switching jobs and being a stay at home Dad! Most of us hardly realize how amazingly unique, creative and sometimes downright hysterical our child can be until we stop focusing our busy lives and take the scenic route to gaze upon the wonder of God's greatest creation........ family!

     The Secret to a successful week as "Mr. Mom" is to look at this time more like a privilege than a chore and gaining a new found respect for the real Mommy, too bad it took me two whole days to realize it! Luckily I still have one and a half to go.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


  1. Great post Joe! I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the madness. I know that I am always amazed at how different each of my children are and really enjoy watching/guiding them as they grow in the person that God has planned them to be. I pray that Dawn's recovery is going smoothly.


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