The Secret to a Successful Reminder!!!!

          Date Night is a must..... All couples with kids need time to be around each other alone and get back into the groove. But date night usually ends up picking some place to eat then maybe a movie, in today's society most movies are garbage and 13 dollar popcorn just ain't worth it. Sometimes you need a reminder, and a refresher of sorts that can only be found in activities that bring back the reasons why you fell in love to begin with. My wife and I have had some mushy dates and some fun ones and I enjoy both equally.

     Last night though in particular was a new one for us. We decided to step it up a notch and go to a place called Funland. Yes it is fun!!! We played laser tag, air hockey and NASCAR. The beauty of the date though laid in the reconnection I felt from just having fun together, no "talking" or spending two hours watching Breaking Dawn (which I loved.... of course). It was just US time acting like kids and playing video games and laughing. We of course raised the ante and threw down some much needed wagers for the games we played. Needless to say I won all of them!!! Just kidding. Having a blast with your spouse in priceless and I would say just as rewarding as having heart to heart time because it’s still heart to heart it just takes a back road to get there. So if you need a Successful Reminder of why you love your spouse so much; I guess the secret lies in throwing out the flowers and chocolates and settling for some wings and Pac-man instead.

P.S. I won't mention watching my gorgeous wife face plant into the side of my van coming out of DD after stepping into a pothole...or my 7 year old Riley giving me a manicure and beard trim while strategically placing an orange bandana on my head after demanding I "model" some clothes to make sure it’s what she approves of.


"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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