The Secret to Life's Little Puzzles Pieces!!!

     Change comes and change goes, and not many of us seem to conform to monotony. Although hard and strenuous on relationships and family’s people seem to transition from time to time. This past year has been full of change and not just in my own life. It's amazing how much can change in a year though, one minute you're walking a seeming less endless path or you're riding the waves in life's little hurricane. Or maybe you're just living your life day to day and it seems to be rotating on never ending clock of some sort. 

     So it's definitely official, my family will be migrating back to Texas here in the next couple of months. It's exciting, relieving and heart breaking at the same time. My wife hails from CT and of course I am from Dallas but we have established our home here in VA. We never thought it would come so quick, in fact in some ways we thought it would never come at all. But as God has worked in our lives, he has directed us back to TX at least for a while. We love our VA-DC-MD family and it's hard to depart from the people we have become so close too. But, we (I hope my wife) are just as excited about the next chapter in life that God has in store for us. He has moved us in big ways this past year and I can only hope this is the beginning. 

     But as the puzzle pieces fall into place, I can name several things about life that have been moving this year. Sometimes if you let God word in your life he will show you just how present he really is. I am so thankful that my brother Larry has found a wonderful woman to love him and hopefully whip him into shape a little. Larry is the older; less mature 1 out of 2 amazing brothers I have (Ryan has been the JP Morgan of the family just without the money, so he says). I am very happy for Larry and even more blessed to be near him during this pivotal step in his life. I also can't express the joy I will have to be back around both of my parents so that my children can finally get some much deserved Grandparent time that is key to their own walk with God. I am also thankful for the relationship I have gained with my daughter Avery although it is still young I look forward to being a part of this  fantastic girl's life. My girls are ecstatic to get to know her and their 7 year old Aunt Emma (not a typo).

     With all things being great,  we will also miss dearly those in our life here who have become family. My wife's beloved Miss Anne who is like a mother to her and wonderful part of my girl's life will be missed tremendously. She has helped us in countless ways and become a crucial part of our family's daily life. We have many close friends here, too many to mention, who cannot be replaced and we will have a hard time adjusting to their absence but like in all things we are a family unit and we must follow God's path for our life. 

     I do have to give my wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and adoring wife credit where it is due. She has packed up and moved to so many places following me and supporting me every step of the way. She first packed her bags and headed south to be with a boy who was still trying to find his place in the world over 8 years ago and she has JOYFULLY packed here packs many times since as I have dragged her butt back and forth across this country. Next we'll be headed to Canada! I can't explain in words how magnificent she is and supportive of all my “adventures”. She has even vowed to work with me in my restaurant/food truck business. If you have never been around when I cook, then you would probably just look over that little detail. But I am in no way easy to work with or be around during any project but yet my love has been sticking it out with me no matter what. But who can blame her; you've never seen me..... Oh wait family blog sorry I forgot!

     I thank God for all the people in our life who have touched it, and there have been many. But like all puzzles this move is just another piece stuck somewhere in the middle, or maybe it’s a corner piece....?

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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