The Secret to Successfully Survivng Four Days Without Texting!!!
Last week Sprint had some kind of failure in their connectivity which restricted my text messaging. It's amazing how much I rely on my texts to communicate these days. I had at one point even considered going out to purchase a new phone just to accommodate. Text messaging is like an addiction to most people, myself included. It pained me to call people on the phone, which in return made me realize something about myself. I hate talking to people! Yes I know it's rude, but conversation has shortly become a nuisance to people in this day and age. Why speak when you can send an email or a short text message?
I am ashamed of myself for even saying that.
But as a society we have become accustom to a way of life that will never
change. A one liner on Facebook and you can let the whole world know what’s
going on in your life. New kid, new job, and a funny picture you saw on the
internet, etc. In some respects it's a great thing because someone on the opposite
end of the world can read this very blog and get to know me in a sense. But at
the same time it becomes an out, a reason not to call a relative for a holiday
or distance you from getting truly involved in a friend’s life. Hitting the
"like" button has become the new way to sympathize with someone’s
I mainly only texts message my wife, like 500
times a day, so it was her that I truly missed hearing from. But it was also
nice to hear her voice because there are days that I rarely get to hear the
warmth and comfort her voice provides; which can't be felt through LOL and frowning
faces :(. But I also find myself failing to contact friends except through the
occasional text. I also have vowed to improve my audible relationships with my
family and friends. But I guess all in all I am fortunate that besides the
constant daily equivalent of Chinese water torture, I came out of this traumatic
experience un-scathed. I may only need some minor counseling and I’ll be back
on feet in no time.
Does anyone have the number to a good therapist????
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
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