
Showing posts from February 2, 2014

The blog is strong with this one!

As a blogger, I don't tend to read many other people's Blogs, though I should, I just don't. You see as a writer you use words and phrases to speak to the world and find yourself hoping the whole world reads it and seems somehow interested. But unfortunately most people are not. Especially mine because it's just on Facebook and most of my topics are off the deep end and people probably see me as that crazy lunatic that expresses himself too much. Well I'm here to tell you something, that all may be true, but I am dead gum proud of it!  I like to use literature and word like a musician uses song, maybe I should take note and leave it to about a 4 minute page with some catchy tunes in the background. Maybe I could do like one of those open mic poetry or blues nights themed blog. You know the one, some guy strumming Bass in the back ground with some graffiti painted walls and my top hat with a scarf. But really I just do it to express myself verbally because I have a d...