The Secret to Successfully Leading Spiritually!!! (don't be a coward)

    "You have a roof over your head and food on the table, what else do you want from me."

Too many Fathers and husbands feel like this is the end all be all of their duties here on earth. But what most of us fail to realize is, yes you can provide for your children a million times over, but if you fail to lead them as a devoted follower then you have failed. Jesus asks of us: 

Matthew 16:26 New International Version (NIV)
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

     What does that challenge us to do as parents? We all want the best for our kids, but you can't buy it; you can't put it on paper. If you commit to raising a child then you must do it the way God intended and there are not many options. As our children grow they rely on us for discipline and structure. They need us to care for them and guide and nurture and love them. But too many times parents dedicate themselves to be "Christian parents" and you do things like baptism, and communion, and dedications. But yet the moment they leave the church on Sunday morning its back to the grindstone, if your children are to learn about God then let the church do it...right?  Parents claim they are "too busy" or they just want to relax. The church is not meant to be a spiritual safe haven and day care so Mommy and Daddy can go to service and check it off their list for the week (that is if you even go more than once a year that is) and claim to be Christians. The Church is a 24/7 lifestyle it is the embodiment of Christ that we must live, day in and day out. Prayer and God have been stripped from our schools and soon to be our entire country. Children are denied the existence of God in the home because of Satan's grasp on all things worldly. Don’t fall victim to the world and allow your children to suffer because of your own selfishness. Yeah I said it, you and I are selfish! We dedicate our lives to our happiness because we are told to by society. Yet we wonder and complain about our children having sex at age 12 and being distant and not obeying us. Open your eyes! 

     YOU are the church; you are the solely responsible for how your child views God. All doubts and all fears will sweat off of us like a hot summer day. If you are weak then your children will be weak.

     Fathers are the number one offenders of not stepping up to the call of duty. Husbands, don't put it on your wives to instill God and good morals into your children. Don't trade the salvation and future of your kids on the world to do. Step up and be Man! Only a coward sits back and lets his children fail, and leaves his wife with baggage so he can watch his precious sports games and play Xbox. Mothers, you  also play a vital role in raising the awareness of God in your children. Your dedication to your husband and God are crucial in a child’s life at any age. If you’re a single parent, then I pray for you and hope that you find strength in the Lord and choose not to be passive but choose to be faithful and resilient. Children are amazing and can grasp simple concepts and take them too much higher level on their own, if you choose to support them and give them the tools. Choose now to raise your children in the hope and love of Jesus Christ so they will learn to be strong when the world tells them not to be. Tell them daily how much God loves them and will always be with them, and how he created them perfect just the way he wanted them to be. This way when they go to school and the teachers tell them they came from apes are just some random mistake, they will know the truth!  We live in a lost world and you can choose to be a coward or you can stand up to deny Satan the power to rule over your life. The Secret to Leading Spiritually is to be strong in the Lord and be faithful and he will provide the rest.

Proverbs 22:6
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
Train a child in the way he should go,
    and when he is old he will not turn from it.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


    I love it! It is hard to be a spiritual leader when others who surround you don't understand, or may not believe in the same things you do. You are a good man and you will be blessed many times!


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