"Well, isn't that SPE-CIAL?!"

Church Chat SNL During a discussion the other day I was reminded of the reason I am so in love with God. A lot of us tend to forget about the real reason Christ died for us in the first place. We become one track minded individuals who can only see the world in two ways. Either you don’t fit in and so you reject or you think you fit in but you don’t. Well it’s time for us all to step back and realize what we are and who we should be. Do you fit in? Do you feel “weird” among the crowd at church? Well you shouldn’t, but at the same time why do you? Let’s dissect this for a second: This is why I love God and the Bible so much because we are all sinners. Not soon after recognizing this though we tend to see ourselves like Adam and Eve in the garden trying to hide the shame of our sin. But instead of using fig leaves we hide behind the world and turn our face from God. “I don’t want to go to church; I don’t fit in with all those good...