
Showing posts from December 23, 2012

WARNING!!! You do not want to read this!

Let me warn you now - I am going to say some things that might make you mad. I don't care!    God has been moving my heart all year, and today I had the opportunity to explain somethings to a couple guys and as I did I started to realize that what I am preaching I'm not truly living. My Christmas was amazing and I love the joy my family gets from it, but is it possible to get the same joy from giving to those in need rather than ourselves? But I was also disappointed in myself because I vowed earlier this year to make a change yet I fell back into the same old trap that the Devil has set. I am meant to follow Christ in my life and put God first in everything I do. But i'm not.      Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be born in a manger, but not the nice pretty one you see in the nativity scenes. He lived his first 30 years poor studying what we call the old testament and became a carpenter from Nazareth. One sta...

Christmas Morning...

Well it's about 5 am and I have no other reason to be up besides the fact that I am overwhelmed with Joy!

The Secret to a Successful Reminder!!!!

           Date Night is a must..... All couples with kids need time to be around each other alone and get back into the groove. But date night usually ends up picking some place to eat then maybe a movie, in today's society most movies are garbage and 13 dollar popcorn just ain't worth it. Sometimes you need a reminder, and a refresher of sorts that can only be found in activities that bring back the reasons why you fell in love to begin with. My wife and I have had some mushy dates and some fun ones and I enjoy both equally.