My life through this storm!!!

     My life through this storm is pretty blinding. I think of all the things that have transpired and I wonder how God could love me? A lot of people wonder how they could love God, or why they should love God. What arrogance we have! I imagine the day that I get to kneel before Jesus and pray that he kneels down over me and says...."I have been waiting." Oh what the overwhelming emotion of God' grace for me and the happiness he will grant me over this life will be like.

     We are all to be in the world but not of the world. But what does even mean? Is it possible to be in the world and simultaneously denying the world the power to rule over you? It's not easy! The world has a good way of distorting the truth; men are not taught to be caring and compassionate towards others. That wouldn't serve the world's purpose, we are supposed to grunt and kill stuff!!! Men are at war with the world and its lies! Every sitcom and magazine is nothing but a cruise missile aimed right at a man's heart. According to the world men are supposed to be the loser of the family and the scapegoat for family issues. I have spent my life lost in the storm trying to figure out what a real man looks and acts like. Is it the guy running around looking good getting all the ladies he can desire? Is a real man the tough guy that calls other men with disrespect? Are friends meant to be like the guys off “the Hangover" or the men off "Courageous"? True friends keep each other accountable; they have their eyes set on Jesus as a role model. Men don't have to eyeball every woman wearing tight pants to be men. Men are leaders, we are role models and show respect and exude Honor and integrity even when we are alone or among others who poke fun. We all fall and we all get up but only the foolish man thinks he never falls; only the fool thinks he answers to no one. We all answer to God and his will. If you don't think you will have to answer for the things you say and do then I pray for you and the life you live!!!

     Why do we fear love and its endless possibilities? Why do we walk through the storm alone?

Don't let the world decide your fate in this life, don't let the world be your lighthouse, let God bring you home and let his Grace cover you like a warm blanket....

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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