
Showing posts from December 2, 2012

You will never be good enough...

I am coming to you live from my new iPhone app. Basically all I have to say to tonight is that you suck and that you are never going to be good enough. Now try not to get to much encouragement from that statement, but with that being said, you are still loved in the eyes of our lord. Everyone likes to put God into a small box thinking that he is nothing but a condemning,ruthless, tyrant looking at our faults. This is completely untrue because if it was he would have never sent his only son to die for our sins. It's pretty simple if you think about it. There is nothing you can, will, or would ever be able to do that would make you "worthy" enough to be in Gods favor so stop trying. You can't buy your way into heaven, there is no magic checklist of things you can do, there is no holy GPA or extra credit. There is only one way to get to heaven and to close the gap between you and an infinitely holy and loving God. Submission! You have to submit to his will and han...

The Secret to a Successful Apple Cinnamon Waffle from scratch

I'm back!!!!!! I know it's been awhile but I made these bad boys from scratch and they are awesome!!!

Never Forget!

Although the world has forgotten there are some of us who never will. Pearl Harbor link "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

On the Outside...

     On the outside I wear blue jeans almost everywhere I go, and I probably bought them on clearance. Most of my shirts start with a T and I have tattoos all over my body. I have a scraggly looking goatee mixed with grey and black. But If there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1-5)  and we are not to judge anyone does it really matter what I look like on the outside? Does it make me any less of the man that I am?

The Secret to Life's Little Puzzles Pieces!!!

     Change comes and change goes, and not many of us seem to conform to monotony. Although hard and strenuous on relationships and family’s people seem to transition from time to time. This past year has been full of change and not just in my own life. It's amazing how much can change in a year though, one minute you're walking a seeming less endless path or you're riding the waves in life's little hurricane. Or maybe you're just living your life day to day and it seems to be rotating on never ending clock of some sort.