Double Parking, Our Smart Phone Demise, and PB Fluff Sandwiches!!!

     There is nothing like going to the park (or anywhere) and having 4 cars double parked in the front row because some "guys" think their 2005 Chevy's are priceless. I'll never understand where people get the nerve to think they can double park in the parking lot, but worst than that pick the front row. If you're going to double park then use the back of the parking lot. But, I will say that nothing irritates me more than someone using a handicap parking spot for their own personal gain. Handicap parking spots are for people who are truly disabled and some of those people have "earned" those spots. My grandfather fought in WWII and Korea, he earned his purple hearts and he also EARNED the right to double, triple, and handicap park anywhere on this planet! I wish I had one of those eject buttons that I could press when someone parks in a way that totally makes it inconvenient for those of us who do the right thing!

      I also could not help but notice the abundance of people glued to their Smartphone. Everybody was pushing their kid in a swing with one hand and using their phone in the other. Have we really stooped so low that we as a society can't enjoy parenting time without being glued to email, text and Twitter? It made me so self conscious that I almost turned my phone off. But I didn't because I was hoping my wife might need me, but I also think I was subconsciously scared to. I admit I checked it several times and I kept thinking to myself, it's Saturday! What could I possibly need? Why do I feel so dependent on this little gadget? I need to find a way to put the addiction down from time to time, if someone needs me or if so and so posts on Facebook about their peanut butter and fluff sandwich then I think it can wait.

    Speaking of peanut butter (or Nutella) and fluff. My family, namely my wife, seems to be in love with this edible treat. Half peanut butter and half marshmallow sticky stuff, but I am more of a Peanut Butter and honey with the banana guy myself....

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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