The Secret to Successfully Loving Your Spouse "Part 2" (Sacrificing your manhood)

    I love my wife dearly, so from time to time it results in me unselfishly fulfilling requests at any cost. Last night my wonderful wife convinced me to attend an aerobics class for her since she has been recently put on "the bench." Reluctantly I agreed and proceeded to suite up for class. The last class I attended with her was actually a pretty intense workout. The class was a kickboxing type class, so it was also manly! Well the class last night, which I am not knocking, was more of a mix of Boy band type dance moves, some running, and some good ole' fashion Footloose type stuff. Now I'm no Kevin Bacon, meaning I can two step with the best of them and I can even do some rocking out stage dives during Karaoke night, but getting footloose is not for Mr. Siar. Don't get me wrong now there is no doubt that there was a workout involved, so if your planning on wearing a spandex one piece in near future, then go for it. I just consider myself more of a grunting while bench pressing type of fellow
But I guess the moral of the story is that loving your spouse involves a little sacrifice some times. I also have the upper hand on my wife now so next time I feel like doing a very manly and "tough guy" activity she owes me. Granted my wife is pretty tough and we met in the Army so I would have to rule out anything that I know she wouldn't already do. I guess it also doesn't help that I don't go camping, I don't field dress deer or watch football....well crap! (I don't think it's looking to good on my side for a return favor from my wife).....oh well I guess I should be happy I got a chance to serve my wife by running in place and clapping my hands above my head and doing some pretty nifty butt squats my screaming and simultaneously listening to some techno music!!

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


  1. This is great! I will pass this on to my fiancé! Can't wait for part 3. Thanks for sharing!



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