
Showing posts from 2013

Faith & Family first!

I consider myself a pretty boring guy, there is not much I like to do. I don’t party, I don’t really drink, don’t watch sports and don’t hang out at bars and I’ve learned to become accustom to this lifestyle. My hobbies in life are pretty strange and I battle with my own demons from time to time. My life however doesn’t need any excitement, I have a wife and kids who need me to have a level head. I support these people with all I am; I work hard and have no real time to play. I am not granted the freedom that some have to enjoy their day and be friendly and chit chat all those things. I like the quiet undisturbed life. I know there is a wild side in me that wants to come out and play but I look at my family and step back and remind myself that although life is a day to day activity it is also a marathon that has to be run one step at a time. I keep my eyes on Christ and I enjoy that. Heck I think he earned it!!! Although from time to time I look away or become blinded, I know that h...

New Creation in Christ

I struggled for a long time to try and make sense of God and his plan. I never felt worthy, and although I have full faith in God and believe the Gospel word for word I could never understand how God could love a wretch like me. But it’s not about how he could; it’s about the knowing he does he loves me endlessly. I am a sinner through and through are so are those before me and then those who have sinned against me. In myself I am nothing, but it’s not until we understand the meaning of being a new creation that it starts to make sense, understand? A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST, YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAST!!! We are wicked at heart, and it’s only when we accept Christ and the Holy Spirit INSIDE of us that we are made worthy. Joe Siar is not worthy, But Christ who dwells inside of me is! That is what Christ meant when he said no one shall go to the father except through me (J ohn 14:6). So for awhile now it’s really taken time for me to understand this. I am unworthy, I am a wretch, an unc...

John 13:1-17

Sometimes we think we are someone that we clearly are not. For a long time I thought I was a humble Christian. I thought I was this "good" guy who knew God and didn't do this or do that. But what is humility? What is the definition of Humble? You see it wasn't until these last few days that I realized that I had no idea what humble meant. I thought it meant beating up on myself and taking pride in the things I didn't do for myself, and all the things that I was doing for me to not be about ME. But you see there in lies the problem, in my failed attempt to be humble I was making it all about myself. And as they say: EPIC Fail! Being humble is not about how much I don't do for me, and how much I go out of my way to not talk about me. Being humble is about how we lift up others. Being humble is completely excluded ourself. Sometimes in an attempt to be humble we do it for ourself. For our own personal gain and it has nothing to do ...

1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war...

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood! As I enjoy a small scoop of ice cream with middle daughter Faith, I marvel in the warmth of the sun. Sometimes father/daughter alone time can be just what you need to lift your spirits. Granted its hard to have a conversation with a six year beyond fart jokes and giggles. By the way Never challenge her to a thimb war, shes a pro! My little baby is sick so I figured I'd treat her to a little date. Before coming out here I got to watch the other two come up with some amazing games. I really don't think there is anyone with more of an imagination and innocent heart than a young child. Children can come up with the simplest of games, names, blames, and just all around fun than any of us as adults could ever dream. It's a shame that we grow out of that phase as we mature. Life is simple when your a kid, there is no stress and worry. We decided along time ago that its acceptable to train our young ones at an early age to meet deadline...

Ding: "you have a new message"

Have you ever wondered why they named junk email SPAM? Maybe because it's crap, and goes well with a side of “stop wasting my time.” But sometimes I admit I like reading it because they are so crazy. Like this one: Brethren, this is to notify you that  one of the company I inherited from my husband deposited a total sum of Ј8 , 763,280.00 GBP which is equivalent to $13,242,928.02 USD Million in a long-term deposit account in a Financial Home here in UK. Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for Oesophagi Cancer. I've since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only few years to live I mean come on, who really buys into this stuff? And who has the time to concoct such a ludicrous email? I’ll never understand how the world can be such a conniving place, or how gullible innocence can be.  After high school I worked (unintentionally) with a man who was once caught going door to door to old w...


          Do you ever sit back and wonder why?... What’s this all about?... I mean the whole world seems to revolve around money. We’re born, we grow older, we get an education to learn how to make money, we go to college, so we can make more money, and we get a job to make money just to spend it all. Why are our lives so subjected to money? Why do I wake up each morning so I can drive to work to make my money by making some other money by taking some other guys money that did the same thing before me? Is that the meaning of life?

A little Humble pie anyone???

I had the recent experience of getting to work on a show that was produced by a local ministry. The event was quite a large one and had multiple facilities and big names. Now if you don’t know what I do for a living that is fine, but during an event like this I do the setups and a lot of backstage and behind the scenes.  Now for my own personal lifestyle choices I will have to say I didn’t expect to see the things I did on this event. I’ve always been scared of big churches and large events that use God as the vehicle. You can’t always trust the motives of those behind them and although I think a lot of the information being put out was good, I got to see sides of people I didn’t expect. The almighty dollar always seems to reign supreme to even the most spiritual.  Religion has a bad rap nowadays and there is usually a huge “BOO!!!” when all you hear are churches asking for money, etc. Then for many to see an event like this where a lot of unnecessary money is spent and you ...

5 tips to a successful marriage...

1. Compromise: you are not always right. And even when you are right your not.  2. Commit: never ever give up, do whatever it takes no matter what. There is nothing more to say. 3. Compliment: there is nothing your spouse desires more than your approval. 4. Do everything possible together: there is nothing stronger than unity. No one else can push you harder and make you stronger than your spouse when they have your back! 5: Eat and laugh: ladies laugh at his jokes at all cost, guys eat her food and smile! PS....Forgive: you ain't perfect either. 

"Ask not what my God can do for me, ask what I can do for my God"

What can God do for me that he has not already done? Has he promised us wealth and riches, did he promise to make our life burden less and happy? Who are we to be so arrogant like a young child to expect more. Am I reading the wrong scripture, I must have skipped over the part where God bestowed among his disciples a Bentley and a beach house in Malibu. What more can I ask for when my God sent his son to suffer and die for me so that whomever believeth In him shall never perish, but have everlasting life. Period, end of story. Nothing else needed. Is God a giver? Yes he is; he showers me with his grace and mercy because we all fall short of the glory of God. To want more and to expect him to give more is just greed and selfishness. His blood and his flesh is all I need, all I should ever want. Too expect more would only set me up for failure and disappointment, not because he won't give me what I need but because my heart in dark and what I want is not always inline with want my fa...

Stuffed bell peppers

10 large green bell peppers tops cut off and gutted 1lbs chicken sausage or Italian sausage 1 cup brown rice boiled 1 each diced  - zucchini  - yellow squash - grey squash  - half onion 1 cup of raw spinach 1/2 jar of organic spaghetti sauce thick kind 1 table spoon garlic 1 table spoon Italian seasoning 1 table spoon pepper 4 oz whipped cream cheese 4 oz real Parmesan cheese 8 oz provolone or mozzarella or cheddar cheese Cook sausage in a pain or in the oven, then once cooked chop in up. Put in large bowl. Steam diced veggies (not the spinach) in the microwave inside a covered container, add to large bowl Add cooked brown rice, Parma, cream cheese, raw spinach, sauce and seasonings in to large bowl and mix all together Boil large pot of water, once boiling add green bell peppers for 4 minutes. Pull out and drain water then up them all in a row inside a pan. Stuff the peppers till they are full, top with cheese and put in the oven on 360 till the cheese melts. 


What motivates us to be better? Is it results? Is it that hope in the end that it will be different? What if you knew it wouldn't change, what if you knew the result would be minimal at best? Would you still push yourself and strive harder for that goal? Plateaus in life come and go. We are often finding ourselves in a rut that comes abruptly and some times right in middle of when we are working hardest at that change. Science can tell you some things but not always, sometimes it's not the place we are at that needs to change it is us. Like any peak, once you reach the top you take a moment to look around at what you just achieved. There are often times that you reach a summit just to find out your just getting started. Now do you climb down and give up? No! You look down and say........ That's a long way down. And then you'll stand there for a minute and ask yourself do I really want to go back the way I just came? Look at how far I've already come! I just need to ...

The Secret to a Successful Breakfast!!!

     I can't stress enough the importance starting your day off with a good breakfast. It is easier than people think and I have the perfect simple solution: 5 eggs, 5 egg whites. 1/4 bell pepper 1/4 onion 1/2 cup baby spinach 1/2 cup mushrooms Ham or pre cooked bacon (I like mine crispy so I cook it in the microwave for about a minute) Blend the eggs and veggies together. Cook as individual "patties" or as scrambled eggs and store in screw top ziploc containers, about 5 servings, and top with either the ham or two slices of bacon. Heat for 45 seconds in the morning and boom breakfast is served!!! " so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Pack your lunch for the week....

Simple recipe:  Cook some Chuck steak cubed ( medium) Then Slice up and cook in a skillet with a little olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper 1 squash 1 zucchini 1/2 onion 1 cup mushrooms 1 green and red bell pepper 1 broccoli crown ( optional) Remember not to over cook your veggies! Vegetables still cook themselves even after being taken off the grill. Chicken chili 1lbs chicken cooked and diced 1 can no salt added black beans 1 can low sodium dark red kidney beans 2 cans organic Muir Glen fire roasted tomatoes 1 can low sodium tomato sauce 1 can green chilies 1/2 lbs corn 1 cup water 1 whole chopped onion Seasoning: 2 table spoons chili powder 1 table spoon garlic 1 table spoon cumin 1/2 tablespoon paprika Pepper Italian seasoning Throw it all in the crockpot and let it cook all day "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11...

How to successfully buy a new car...

I'm not good at a lot of things but one thing I am good at is buying stuff. Sometimes I buy too many things, but no one can ever say that I am not an admirer of the "art of war" when it comes to purchasing. So much in fact that I don't really see why I don't just give up the day job and do this for a living. But we're not here to talk about me, lets get on with the real reason I am here today ladies and gentlemen. You and your money! Now if you would please input your credit card information below you will receive the advice of a life time for the great low price of $99.95. This is a limited time offer folks and yes we can easily break that down into three easy payments of $39.95.  Ha! I got you....  Now moving on. I've recently made a string of car purchase over the last couple of years and done quite well for myself and most recently my Mother. And if there is anything I learned it is these tips I am about to share with you: 1. Know your bottom line, and...

“Give me my iPhone, or give me death…”

      The other day I sat down my iPhone while at work. I walked away not realizing that would be the last time I’d see it. Someone picked it up then walked away and who knows where it is now. I tried tracking it and going through the motions but it wasn’t going to resurface. Granted I also don’t have the patience to wait a week to try and find it. But after it was all said and done the Sprint guy did me a solid and it set me back a couple bucks but, I guess that’s what I get for not being cautious…. or is it.        It really bothered me and of course I threw a fit and shook my fist and what not. I will say though I am grateful for Apple’s ingenious technology and the fact that my phone backed itself up on icloud so I never missed a beat. But now looking back I can’t seem to put my finger on what bothered me most. Was it the fact that we live in a world where you can’t set your phone down on a table without someone taking it; or tha...

A fatherless world???

The world as we know it under attack. Our society is being convinced and being pushed towards and  into family warfare. Fathers are portrayed in sitcoms and movies as losers. Commercials and magazines try to convince men that they need to constantly chase the the American dream and be rich and foolish. That a man's man is a guy who drinks beer and watches football on Sunday instead of going to church and and leading his family. Marriage is being attacked as well and woman are being decieved into thinking they don't need a man to have kids and two mommies can be just as good if not better or even as far as just not being a mommy at all. The face of a traditional family is no longer, Al Bundy and Homer Simpson are the "new" dad. But the science and the statistics will not lie. Crime, abortion, teen pregnancy, suicide, and gangs can be traced back to absentee fathers or men who choose to be less than willing to be good fathers and put their familes first. It's a real...

Crazy... I'm not......crazy!

What makes us unique? Do we choose to be different or did God make us this way for a reason? I think we are all crazy in our own little way, sometimes we let it eat at us and we get lost in the crazy. I have a multitude of things that make me just shy of a shining novel. How about a glimpse into my head: I absolutely positive must know the who, what, when, where, and why before doing anything! I plan,plan, plan....but hardly ever really execute as planned maybe 60/40. I admire my personal space and have a big thing about people standing too close. I also have a little problem with doing everything myself. As my wife can attest it doesn't really matter if she does it exactly the way I like, it has to be done with my own hands or it gets weird. I have to have things in the same place all the time, like the things in my pocket, my phone, my debit card, you know the usual right? And my lunch box has to be assembled the same everyday, and put into the same spot in car, desk etc. I reall...

Why I love “LOST” so much…

My wife and I recently started a LOST marathon and I’m determined to make it through all the seasons (again). Why is LOST the only show to ever intrigue me to watch in its entirety and be so deeply moved by the story ? Each week for every season I patiently awaited the newest episode and its jaw dropping twist and turns. But why? Why do I love this show so much? Funny you should ask: Well not too many shows now a days or even in the past cut deep into your soul like LOST does. A lot of people think it was just another funky Science fiction show . No, no, no LOST is much more than that. It’s a story line about a plane full of people looking for a new life and needing something, needing a fresh start. It’s about fate and redemption, it’s about heroes and people finding out whom they really are when things get tough. We’ve all been in this boat (or island); we’ve all flown on Oceanic flight 815. There will be a point in your life when you wish you could press t...

Died for You!!!

It takes a certain kind of person to join a Service industry that could cost you everything. There is something that is just instilled inside of you that you can’t walk away from. Some guys do it to be macho and so forth and some women do it to prove they are just as good as a man. But no matter what the reason, they do because there is a certain kind of unselfish nature inside of them. They fear just like us, they have nightmares just like us and they want to live forever just like us. But these service people have a God given quality deep inside them that just tells them to run TOWARD the gunfire and not away , TOWARD the fire and TOWARD the crime and TOWARD the car wreck or sinking boat and fallen building. Truth be told, I read in a book recently that describe them as borderline Sociopaths, and just a little bit nutty.  But I don’t think it’s the thrill junkie inside that drives them, it’s the thrill junkie inside that pushes them. What drives them is the...

More than just a a pretty face...

Man it's been awhile since I've written you folks. But one thing inspired me recently to express myself again. Since being back in Dallas it's almost impossible to notice all the "male dominated" places to go around town. There's strip clubs and skimpy clad restaurants every 1/4 mile. Now I'm no different than any man, but that being said I have four girls. It breaks my heart to think of all these women working in these places. Yeah ok so they may not mind, the guys surely don't care and you can give me all that liberal hogwash all day. But one thing is for sure, not many of these girls choose this life over a professional career. Woman has always been looked at by men and ogled etc. But shouldn't we want our woman, our wives, our daughters, to know that they Re more than just a pretty face? Don't we want them to know that they are valued, loved and respected? So I'm sure to most guys I'm committing cardinal man code and here. But gue...

"Well, isn't that SPE-CIAL?!"

Church Chat SNL      During a discussion the other day I was reminded of the reason I am so in love with God. A lot of us tend to forget about the real reason Christ died for us in the first place. We become one track minded individuals who can only see the world in two ways. Either you don’t fit in and so you reject or you think you fit in but you don’t. Well it’s time for us all to step back and realize what we are and who we should be. Do you fit in?  Do you feel “weird” among the crowd at church?  Well you shouldn’t, but at the same time why do you?     Let’s dissect this for a second: This is why I love God and the Bible so much because we are all sinners. Not soon after recognizing this though we tend to see ourselves like Adam and Eve in the garden trying to hide the shame of our sin. But instead of using fig leaves we hide behind the world and turn our face from God. “I don’t want to go to church; I don’t fit in with all those good...