New Creation in Christ
I struggled for a long time to try and make sense of God and his plan. I never felt worthy, and although I have full faith in God and believe the Gospel word for word I could never understand how God could love a wretch like me. But it’s not about how he could; it’s about the knowing he does he loves me endlessly. I am a sinner through and through are so are those before me and then those who have sinned against me. In myself I am nothing, but it’s not until we understand the meaning of being a new creation that it starts to make sense, understand? A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST, YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAST!!!
We are wicked at heart, and it’s only when we accept Christ and the Holy Spirit INSIDE of us that we are made worthy. Joe Siar is not worthy, But Christ who dwells inside of me is! That is what Christ meant when he said no one shall go to the father except through me (John 14:6). So for awhile now it’s really taken time for me to understand this. I am unworthy, I am a wretch, an unclean soul, and only by the blood of Jesus am I washed clean and made pure. I will never be good enough in my own former life; it is Christ who lives inside of me that MAKES me good enough that makes YOU good enough. God loves us so much that he made that sacrifice for us, so what was old could be made new. Stop trying to make sense of whether or not God thinks you’re good enough alone stop trying to think if what you have done is good enough for God. Try trying to make sense of whether or now God will accept you because of your past sin and sins that were committed against you. God has accepted you just the way you are… no matter what ….point blank ….end of story. If you believe in Christ that is all you need to be good enough. Christ is good enough! Christ inside you makes you good enough!!! Were we worth the cost that Jesus paid? YES we were, did we earn it? NO we didn’t. Did he do it because he loves us???? YES, YES, YES, YES, YES.
You are not defined by your past; you are A BRAND NEW CREATION in Christ!!! If you believe the gospel I beg of you to believe that God lives inside of you and loves you before you ever loved him. You are not
(Enter name here) or your past sins or the sins of those who committed them to you! Do not let that deter you from the abundant life that God has for you. SATAN is trying to convince you that you are not worthy….. pray that God will push him out of your life and you can see how much God and all of us love you!!!!! Accept that Jesus lives inside of you and TRUST him with all you are to guide your life!!!!
When we rely on ourselves we will only tread water . Let go of the old YOU and embrace the NEW you, the Christ inside of YOU!!!
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
Your chains are broken and you are FREE….. Whether you want to accept it or not YOU ARE FREE!!!!! In Christ you have complete Freedom!!!
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
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