Do you ever sit back and wonder why?... What’s this all about?... I mean the whole world seems to revolve around money. We’re born, we grow older, we get an education to learn how to make money, we go to college, so we can make more money, and we get a job to make money just to spend it all. Why are our lives so subjected to money? Why do I wake up each morning so I can drive to work to make my money by making some other money by taking some other guys money that did the same thing before me? Is that the meaning of life?
The Wu Tang Clan once said “cash rules everything around me, get the money Dollar, Dollar bills y’all.” Truer words have never been spoken (sort of). Most of us will spend our whole lives wanting more and chasing after the almighty dollar. Governments depend on it, and the world revolves around it. It is kind of sad really; it makes you wonder if that was why we were truly created. Were we created to live our lives as slaves to debt and slaves to the sin that comes with it? Even God’s people get corrupted by it. No one is immune to the number one plague in the history of all mankind, the most addictive material ever known to man. I don’t want to be defined by the money I’ve made and the things I’ve done with it. I don’t want to fall victim into the grasp that money has on the soul. I want my life to be more than that. I want to inspire people and live my life without abandon. I want to look back and say I didn’t have to have money to be happy; I didn’t let it control me. That’s a bold statement though seeing as in this day and age you can’t eat, drink, or live safely without it. What a true shame that is. If I chose to live my life without it and provide for my family using nothing but what God has provided, I would still have to pay taxes (ha ha jokes on me), thus still be a slave. That’s a terrible shame, it wasn’t always like that, and surely was intended to be that way. Our founding fathers never planned to have it this way. When this country was formed and before the Government took it over (they know what’s best, duh!!!!) man lived off the land and provided a nice life for his family without Government assistance. I want to go back to those days!
God did not create the earth, the universe and all the things in it so we could just be slaves to money. The great thing about a farmer is he could be self sufficient if need be. But not I, my skills are subpar when it comes to the growth of food and meat. Admittedly I do enjoy commerce and all the amazing things it brings. I like my imported fruit and coffee. And in all honesty I don’t think that’s the problem. But of course I know living off the land will never happen so it’s up to me to guard my heart. Only when I allow sinful nature to rule my life will money and the “things” in this world rule over me. I know if I focus my eyes on Jesus I can live a life of purpose. We only get one shot at this life and it is not like a book, although there is a beginning there is no way to know the ending. Funny right? I mean from before your born they can predict almost down to the day when you will be born, but death creeps upon us like a gust of wind. Don’t let your soul be bought by the highest bidder. Stay true and never let your paths lead you down the wrong road. Make your own path in life and keep the cross right in front to guide your way.
“Few men have the virtue to be bought out by the highest bidder.” – George Washington
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
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