1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war...
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood! As I enjoy a small scoop of ice cream with middle daughter Faith, I marvel in the warmth of the sun. Sometimes father/daughter alone time can be just what you need to lift your spirits. Granted its hard to have a conversation with a six year beyond fart jokes and giggles. By the way Never challenge her to a thimb war, shes a pro! My little baby is sick so I figured I'd treat her to a little date. Before coming out here I got to watch the other two come up with some amazing games. I really don't think there is anyone with more of an imagination and innocent heart than a young child. Children can come up with the simplest of games, names, blames, and just all around fun than any of us as adults could ever dream. It's a shame that we grow out of that phase as we mature. Life is simple when your a kid, there is no stress and worry. We decided along time ago that its acceptable to train our young ones at an early age to meet deadlines and have responsibilities. But where's the class on not letting the world get the best of you?
We let stress eat us alive and our worries become the stories. I mean I like the occasional thumb war, the goofing around, the nerf guns and fart wars that I had a kid. I really miss covering stuffed animals with shaving cream and catapulting them at my brother.
When we let life get to serious it becomes obsolete.
I recall the days before middle school when I would adventure out into the woods and explore. I would take my GI Joes with me to the creek and execute missions like nothing you've ever seen. I used to dawn my cloak and act as a super hero and have ninja battles on my trampoline. It always made me feel super human. As most young kids I'd always imagined what it was like to have a super power. How awesome would that be???
Not to switch gears on you but the memories came flooding back to me today when I was in my home town and went by old houses. Luckily most of what I remember are the good times and the happiness it brought before life kicked in. There will always be that inner kid inside of us, the one that still walks the toy aisle and thinks of what we would like to have. I mean why do you think Batman, The Avengers and Twilight are all so wildly popular and successful? Because of that inner child inside us that begs to come out. I suggest you let that child resurface every once in awhile. Let he/she loose to bring joy into your life when you need it. The one that doesn't take life so serious and just wants to take that whipped cream can and squirt the whole thing in your mouth. Let that kid that would crack up after putting a bubble mustache on or run around the house naked (well maybe not that one so much). Lets remember our roots folks, because honestly I think that kid inside reflects our hearts and our true passions.
You owe it to yourself to live, laugh, and play!
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