The blog is strong with this one!
As a blogger, I don't tend to read many other people's Blogs, though I should, I just don't. You see as a writer you use words and phrases to speak to the world and find yourself hoping the whole world reads it and seems somehow interested. But unfortunately most people are not. Especially mine because it's just on Facebook and most of my topics are off the deep end and people probably see me as that crazy lunatic that expresses himself too much.
Well I'm here to tell you something, that all may be true, but I am dead gum proud of it!
I like to use literature and word like a musician uses song, maybe I should take note and leave it to about a 4 minute page with some catchy tunes in the background. Maybe I could do like one of those open mic poetry or blues nights themed blog. You know the one, some guy strumming Bass in the back ground with some graffiti painted walls and my top hat with a scarf. But really I just do it to express myself verbally because I have a disorder that keeps my head and thoughts going 24 hours a day. I have trouble even sleeping sometimes because I just got too much going on up there!!!
But one of the things bothering me today is my fear of failing my family, but especially my children. With all little girls in the family and growing up without sisters I can tend to be deaf in the way of the estrogen Jedi. My obsessive approach of pursuing perfection and respect doesn't get far when your the only dude in the house.
I do want my girls to grow up knowing I love them very much, and lord I pray they will know I do, I just lack a little in the sensitivity aisle, my shelves are running low, per say. I pray all the time for God to give me wisdom to be a father to all girls, but let me tell you something: impossible ain't the word I'd use to describe it.
I mean you would think having boys would be so much easier. But I could be way off base in my assumptions too. If anything I just wish they didn't fight so much, and went to bed on time. But man they are all the sweetest kids when they want to be. But they are so much like women! (That was a joke ladies...)
But really, it is important and something that drags me down when I feel like I let life get the best of me and I'm not holding up my end of the bargain to my family. I want to be the dad who encourages my girls, the dad they love and respect and want all there boyfriends and husbands to be like. I know loving my wife has a lot to do with that, and as I focus on her it gets easier. Life is always going one hundred miles an hour though and we move so fast through it that I'm stuck trying to figure out where I'm at cause my heads still spinning.
If your one of the ten people reading this and happen to get this far down the page, my advice for other fathers would be to step on the brakes. Make time for your kids and love your wife deeply, passionately, selflessly, and respectfully. Honor your family with every chance you get, as men we are called to set aside selfish ambition and lead our families with courage and love! Girls are precious and they deserve the love of a father. They need it desperately because without it they will find it, and it's not in a place where you want them too. Wives: respect your husband for all he does and do everything you can to support him. Love him, and make a point to make sure he knows without a doubt that you love him. Also cut him some slack, it's hard for men who's whole world revolves around supporting and protecting his family. Men are wired different and we need to know that our wives have our backs no after what!
Thanks for reading, I don't know everything but I think I do!
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