Ill have Seconds on the Hatred please!!

    So there is one thing that has and always will bother me. Hypocrites! They are all over the place and I find myself doing it sometimes, but rarely. I came across an article the other day about the new Son of God movie coming out and so I read it and obviously the writer not only bashed the movie but Christianity as well. As I read through the comments, which were too many, almost 1700+, I found a multitude of sides on the issue. For God – against God – you name it. But what aggravated me the most was the lack of tolerance. But what is funny it how the intolerant Atheists’ were blaming Christians for being intolerant, when they are the ones who are bashing Jesus and “religion” to begin with. But I guess there answer was to, instead of ignoring something they don’t even believe, degrade Jesus, the Bible, and Christians by calling US INTOLERANT! Give me a break… 

   My theory is this, you don’t want to believe, then go about your life and let it be. But why consistently go out of your way to cause a problem, bash Christianity and talk about how we are bigots and evil murders and all the things they like to call us? How are you any better? Calling us judgmental for having our beliefs, but making sure to always have hateful comments and using sarcasm and anger to try and make a point just because you don’t agree with us. But at the same exact time telling us we are the judgmental ones and we are the hateful ones, and we are all fools, and blah, blah, blah. Rarely do you ever see a Christian going out of their way to bash every secular thing out there and using hatred to try and make a point. Yes a small group from Westboro loves to spills hatred, but they are fools. If you are so adamant about No God, then why do you bother to go out of your way to tell us how to live our lives and bash our way of doing things?

    But what was more disheartening was the self proclaiming Christians telling everyone who opposed that they were going to Rot in Hell!!! Completely missing the point of Grace, and how we all are going to Hell without Christ. I was ashamed, because spouting out judgmental remarks and telling someone that they were destined to burn for eternity is no way to preach the gospel. I was as enamored as anyone reading and responding to these posts, but what I came to find was that a lot of the "haters" are really just scared. A true non-believer just ignores the issue all together unless trying to stir up a problem on purpose. Yes, they love to name call, but what I saw was a lot of loving Christians involved in the name calling as well. What sense does that make? If you want to argue a point then make a valid statement, but how is repaying evil with evil ever gonna solve the real problem. They use those remarks as fuel to burn there hate and scars. 

"Ope, look there goes the judging Christian again!" as they like to say. 

If someone hasn't accepted God's Grace, then they can't understand its power. So they fear it, and let it eat at them and so they fire off the remarks and hatred. But how is responding in hatred going to change anything? We are to be strong and endure the attacks, not pull out our swords and start swinging.  

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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