Start it, Finish it...Done!!!


     A lot of us, if not most of us, heck maybe even all of us at some time have chosen to do something or start something, quit something on a predetermined day in the future. Being new years we probably all have been waiting and plotting and telling ourselves we are going to do such said thing starting January 1st. I do it, every year! But what’s terrible is a lot of times I find myself doing it every year. We start off with the best intentions and end the year repeating the same mistakes we did before. Or we try to binge the last few days on what it was that we decided to give up (irony); In turn hindering our chance of success over the one thing that has had such a grasp on us to begin with.

     Now I don’t have the cure for what ails you and I can’t give you the answer to how to be successful, but I can encourage you to keep it up. But what seems to be odd about these “demons” in our everyday life is that most times we know that they are bad and unhealthy but choose to proceed despite the knowledge of its devastating effects. Smoking, excess weight, sodas, being lazy, not reading the bible or praying, watching too much television, etc. We all see the studies watch the news, and hear what they tell us but are consistently sucked into its deceptive grasp on us like the sirens from Greek mythology.  These highly addictive areas of our lives tear us down, and bring us misery in more ways than one. There is a reason so many people diet and then return to their previous (if not gain) weight. Why smokers will light up again year after year, and gym patrons will quit after the first few months. Binges, cold turkey quits and wrong mind frames.

     Now I’m not a scientist or an expert, but I do have a P.H.D. In common sense. Now my own conclusions to these matters come strictly from my own inability to stay consistent and win my long term battles.
     There is something to be said about a rooted foundation. It’s where success begins on any journey. A steadfast determination to be rooted in the knowledge of your journey and having a place to plant your feet. You cannot succeed in any venture without a strong rooted base. Because what tends to happen is we jump into something with two feet and get all worked up and run as fast as we can and get tired and quit. Let me explain: if a farmer wants to plant a crop that will return each year and flourish for long periods of time he must first till the land and prepare the soil for a good harvest. Now he could just run out and get some seeds and throw them down and put some miracle grow on them and see the results. But over time the crop will wither and die after a short lived lifespan and he will have to repeat the same strategy again next year. But if he takes his time and plows the earth and takes all the measure to irrigate and plan his crop and plant his seeds at the right time, along with some patience his crop will thrive year after year because it has strong roots.

     Knowledge is key, so it is our understanding of what it is that we are doing to ourselves that makes us successful. One of the worst things we can do to have a short lived success is to jump in with two feet and not be prepared for the road that lies ahead. When the ground begins to move beneath us and we are shaken we will crumble without these roots. I suggest to anyone trying a new venture this year is to research and gain knowledge to WHY you want to make this change. And you also need to understand that a crash course is only the first step and not the cure the journey that lies ahead with takes years and complete dedication. Giving up smoking cold turkey and sugar products or wheat, etc. These things can be hard to do after the body has adapted for so long believing this is a part of you. It takes just as long to wean your body from these things in a successful way. Those of us that decide to join the gym, we buy all the gear and spend the money but find every excuse after the fist week to not go. Whether it be injury, or time, or not sure what to do. Knowledge is key. You have to be fully convinced that this is the life you are choosing to lead at any cost and you know it will be hard but you want this life because it’s what YOU really truly want. It’s only when we truly desire for something that we will be fully committed to it. (Tip: invest in your life by getting a trainer to help you formulate a plan, 3 session is all it should take).

     Another choice I would make is to be accountable. No one can hold themselves fully accountable for their actions. We must have support in these areas to confess our slips so we can have someone there to back us up and keep us encouraged. Don’t make the journey alone, its hard and full of pain. Pride will destroy you in the end!

     Lastly, journaling has a way of setting free the soul. I believe if we journal our actions and thoughts that it makes it more real, almost as if we are confessing what’s deep inside and the actions and results of those actions taken in our day to day life makes it real. We all have a way of ignoring our own actions believing that if no one knows it didn’t really happen. Well keeping an honest journal alleviates this problem by professing our accomplishments and our guilt on paper. Plus an added bonus is when we look back and see where we were and we have overcome.

I am a firm believer in new life, and in making goals stick. I applaud all of us that are setting these goals and pray that we all succeed.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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