The Secret to Successfully not being like me!

Selfishness can drive you to do some things in life that in the long run flat out hurt. If I could take it all back I would have chosen to be more giving and done less taking. If God is so forgiving and we have no condemnation in Christ then why is it still so painful? Sometimes the pain out ways the joy. I don't think it is supposed to be like that but I guess that's just the devil speaking. Christ loves us (which is awesome)there's no doubt about it, but I know when I have to stand before him and explain my life it's not going to be pretty. I'd list my life here and now but There is no need.

But let me say this to all the husbands: do a better job! Love your wife and baby her because she deserves it. It's harder now than ever for a man to be a good husband because the world has skewed the model of what it means. But love is hard work and needs to be persevered and your wife needs to be pursued! We get so lost in life and day to day that we forget the damage it causes. Woman are delicate and need strong men to support them and be there for them. It's not about what we get from our wives and what they are not doing right! We as men need to step it up and LOVE our wives.

To the fathers: encouragement is a tool not embraced enough. We find fault in our children and spend to much time trying to correct them and do not spend enough time embracing them as they are and guiding them with love. If I could change one thing it would be to say yes more than no. Kids need discipline but they also they need guidance. You can do both it's just a delicate, but happy medium. Let them fall but be there to hold them when they get up again and encourage them to do it again. Build there confidence but find ways to applaud them. Time flies by so make sure you don't end up like me and look back wishing you could have done better. I know it's impossible not too but it has to be a conscious effort never to be taken lightly. Be slow to anger and quick to love!

To all the friends: don't be a poison. We have major influence on our peers and we need to strengthen them. With Facebook and twitter we can be distant and not get too close and have to get involved. The one next to you maybe struggling with all kinds of issues, fears, addictions, and self doubt. We need to be strong for those who are not! We need to give positive advice and encourage our friends to be good even if we are not! When that buddy comes to you about their spouse make sure you encourage them to be strong and loving and never give up. We need to get involved to hold our friends accountable and test their integrity. We need to support them when they are in pain and bear any burdens that need bearing. Don't be a poison and don't be stranger!!!!

I'm not old but I feel like I've been there and done that. I've said it a million times but I will say it again. If you believe in God you have to believe in Satan because he is just as real. If Christ faced him then so shall we and we do on a daily basis without even noticing. He has no pitch fork and I'm not sure if he's red with horns but pretty sure he's not. He's that little voice in your head telling you to do what you know is wrong. He's that lie in your life that you know is the truth. He's that temptation in your heart because it can be deceived. Be strong and pray!!!


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