The Secret to a Successful Cheat Day(Volume # 3) Stuffed Meatloaf

I know it's late and i haven't posted lately but life happens and I work....

     That being said I will quickly give you this wonderful recipe. If you have never tried Stuffed Meatloaf then you should really give this one a shot!

3 lbs meat (I prefer Turkey and Beef)

1 cup raw diced mushrooms
1 lbs Bacon cooked and diced
2 cups of spinach raw
1 bag of Italian blend cheese

1 egg
1 cup quick oats
1 can rotel or diced tomatoes drained
1/2 onion
1 tbsp pepper, garlic, Italian seasoning, paprika,
1 bell pepper chopped
1 can on tomato sauce
4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

Mix all the ingredients except for the bacon, spinach, and cheese together in a big bowl. Cut the loaf in half and flatten in out on wax paper enough to layer the cheese, bacon and spinach in between the two halves of the loaf. Make sure when you add the two pieces that you mend them back to together by wrapping then with the wax paper you cant let there be a seam in the middle or the cheese will melt away load the loaf in a   sprayed pan, cover with tomato sauce and cook at 325 for about an hour or until it reaches 165.

After cooking you must let the meat sit and rest for a few minutes before slicing it up.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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