The secret to successfully putting the remote down!

     Are you an addict? can you put down the remote during your favorite TV show to do something different?

     About a year ago I made some pretty major changes in my life that I will cover in a series coming up in November explaining it in detail(so stay tuned!!!!). But during this transition I made a crucial decision that would change my life and view of the world forever. Here are few questions first: do you think eating healthy is good for your body? Do you believe that drugs and alcohol can effect you in ways when abused? Then why would ever think your mind is not corruptible? What makes you discard the fact that "crap in equals crap out" in all aspects of your life?

     I decided not too long ago to challenge myself, to make some hard decisions that would change my heart. The first was taking 4 full weeks off from watching TV in anyway. Followed by taking four weeks off from consuming alcohol, for the longest time I would come home and plop down on the couch at night and have a beer or two and eat a bowl of ice cream almost nightly. After I decided to change those things I have never looked back. I realized the lasting effects of TV and how it corrupts your mind. Consider this, TV every night is like consuming a double cheeseburger or large pizza every single day. Imagine what that could do to someone's heart, mind, and confidence. TV is loaded with trash that is completely unhealthy for your mind and for your heart. I'm not much of a reader, but I have found myself focusing on spending more time trying to do things that will make my life worth living. Think of all the hours that are wasted in your life that you could spend doing things that are productive. Are you investing in your family? Or are you just getting by with the basics? I dare anyone to try it, even if its starts as a week off, then you try two weeks etc. I never watch TV any more and I restrict my children from watching any during the week. I know it sounds like "child abuse" but I want to focus on our family time and I want to build a relationship with my family that will last forever. I once read in a book that children need "dates" with there Fathers just as much as couples need time alone also. Fathers should take the initiative to spend quality time with their children on an individual basis to get to know them, encourage them, and invest in them. I want to look back on my life and know I spent my time investing ETERNALLY and not just INTERNALLY!

    Now just to clarify why I think this way, sit back for a second and exclude shows like Pawn Stars and Shark Week. Think of some sitcoms, especially family sitcoms and tell me how many positive family role models exist? Tell me one Ward Clever or Andy Griffith, or character! What kind of influence does this have on your life? Tons! Why do we find other people's failures entertaining? Yet we find our own failures and short comings disappointing? So I am challenging YOU, anyone who reads this article to take this challenge. I dare anyone to list 5 quality things that you could spend time doing besides watching TV. Now take those five things and do them. Restrict yourself from watching television at any cost until you accomplish these five things(at least a full 7 day week people). Let me know what you think, comment right back here and tell me if you think i'm a nut, or if if you think i'm at least not completely off my rocker. Do I think we should stop watching TV all together? NO! I just think limits should be set on all the things we allow in our life. So read a book, start a family game night, or family devotional. Take your wife out for coffee, or just finish something you've never finished or even started! The secret to successfully putting the remote down is to challenge your mind and never forget that everything you put in your body has to come out sometime, is it gonna be good or bad?

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


  1. Reading Gods Word
    Clean and organize the house
    hang out with family and friends
    learn a new hobby/skill


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