Atheism, the new child's play.
My kids like to come up with excuses all the time for why
they do things. They like to try to convince me that the reason they had for
doing something wrong was justified. At about that moment is when I have to
tell them no and continue on to explain to them why their actions were wrong.
Now there is an imperative reason behind this. You see, as a Christian and follower
of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have an absolute moral standard to live by. Wrong is
wrong and right is right per God’s moral absolutes. My kids don’t always like
that, and tend to rebel from time to time, which usually ends up with me punishing
them for whatever said mishap they have committed. There are reasons for this
interaction, I teach my children that it is out of love that we do not do
things against others. I also teach them it is because of love that we do do
things for others as well. These principles are not only written into my heart
by my creator and designer (the almighty God) but they are lessons learned and
taught in the Bible.
Now my children would love to convince you about their Law. The
Law of a child is more selfish than anything because they do as they see fit
and would prefer to never be told otherwise. You see we could never function as
a society if these were the laws of the land. But, in a society that had no
moral absolute, this law would not be uncommon. Without a moral code, there is
no right and wrong, just a strict justification, saying that whatever I so
believe is correct and is correct, no matter how harsh or offense to others (survival
of the fittest). Almost like the Autobahn, famous for having no driving
restrictions, leaving the driver to determine the speed at which he prefers to
drive. Many Atheists like to claim God (who supposedly doesn’t exist) is a mass
murderer, like Bill Maher is claiming now. But what is murder? If we all come
from nothing and are just one big cosmic accident and there is no prevailing
moral absolute, then does that make murder still…. Murder? What if my definition
of murder is not your definition, perhaps we all live on an island not governed
by anyone. Who then decides what murder is? You would have no claim because we are all
just evolved animals correct? So if a monkey murder a monkey, do we sentence
him as well? In an atheistic society, humans are merely just the most
sophisticated animals on the planet, nothing more. One chromosome away from an
ape like they say. What then say you? What makes you write better than my right?
Hitler did not believe in God, so shouldn’t he has been allowed to do so as he
pleased? Without a moral absolute coming from a perfect and Holy God, how can
you have a right and wrong?!?!?!?!
So back to where I was in the beginning, my children like to
claim that what they believe is right. I as the prevailing parent and authority
determine what it right and wrong in my house. I’m just glad I have a holy, loving
and gracious God helping me to make those decisions. God only help us when the
children of Atheism take over and we are all left to like according to Relative
truth a.k.a. “My truth is my own truth.” Or as I like to call it, the law of
children, hence the reason Atheist lay on the ground whining and crying in the
middle of a grocery store because I like to pray before I eat in a public
restaurant which in some way hindered their ability to enjoy a meal. Granted, they only seem to have an issue with Christians… go figure seeing as though
Muslims (not the same God, FYI) and Jews (also not the same God FYI) both references
the Old Testament bible. Hindus and Buddhists also believe in a higher power as
well, along with many other beliefs like Native Americans and Mormons. But
Christians are the evil ones, we only follow the most loving and perfect God in
recorded history. But oh yeah, maybe it’s because I don’t think Homosexuality is
natural…. Hey dude, neither does science, just saying.
So yes, pardon me if I do not allow a group of childlike
thinkers to tell me that I do not have the freedom to believe, but they have
all the freedom to NOT believe. Am I showing you the big picture here people?
“Little Johnny can draw on the wall and then punch you in
the face and eat candy all he wants because that s what he thinks is ok.”
One day Atheist will wish they had embraced all the laws of
the land that came from biblical based principals when they find themselves
being robbed, but since the thief thought it was ok to steal the judge threw the
case out. See Atheist don’t truly believe in what they say they do, they just
choose to manipulate it to whatever they think is good for them. A true atheist
would agree that any law is just a law chosen by the majority, therefore if the
majority ruled to kill for any reason you see fit, an atheist by nature would
have to agree with this law. But what kind of society is that? To an Atheist your
nothing but a big cosmic mistake, making any feeling toward another person just
subjective, impart making YOU nothing, no thanks.
I’ll be praying for you, because I choose to believe I was
created by a loving God for a purpose and that I have a wonderful eternal
destiny waiting for me.
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
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