The New Label - you're probably going to hate me.

I like to consider myself to be Anti-“pro”

     Here is what I mean by that, everyone is pro something. But what I don’t seem to be able to grasp is how our last few generations, beginning in the sixties, are so PRO everything but “Pro-commonsense”.
How can someone consider themselves to be Pro-choice, yet have the audacity to PRO-test against war? They are Pro-choice, but yet they PRO-test against the right to PRO-tect yourself with the second amendment. I mean they can be just fine taking life of an innocent child, but yet they don’t want you to arm yourself, protect your family and stand up against tyranny and evil abroad (oh yeah, or eat meat). The PRO-choice moment has killed almost ten times the innocent children than the Nazi moment!

     Look, I've been there, I don’t want our soldiers dying any more than anyone else, but the world needs someone to stand up against oppression and fight for people’s civil liberties. Is it America’s place to sacrifice our men and women to such harsh conditions? I believe it is. Not to mention that the ones signing to join are able and willing to do so. The PRO-choice moment came out of the same generation that is against war because they accused our own soldiers of killing innocent lives in Vietnam. How does that make sense? Turning the table to make it all about a woman’s body and her choice to do whatever she wills does not exclude the fact that life is being stripped from another human being. But what drives me completely nuts is how they can be PRO-choice and yet the same group will rage against me having a firearm to protect my family from an intruder trying to kill MY family. That is just senseless and ignorant. The same liberal groups wailing about killing innocent children are blasting the movie “Lone Survivor” for being war propaganda and promoting KILLING. Who are you kidding! Abortion has taken the lives of 56 million babies since 1973, that’s around 6 times more lives than all the US wars combined.

    What is wrong with this country? Where have our morals gone? How can we justify something like that?
You may think I have no right to talk about this cause I’m a Man. “The dreaded suppressor of women”. Well, let me tell you something, I was once a child in desperate need of new Family. I was adopted before birth because thank GOD almighty my biological mother chose to do the right thing. She chose to give me a chance at a life that she could not provide. Every child deserves a chance at life, no matter the sacrifice you have to make in your own life. Is that what we have become as a nation? A nation of self absorbed hypocrites?!!! Are we so obsessed with our own life that we cancel anyone else’s chance to experience life, although it was our actions that brought about this child?

     But don’t go shooting that bad guy who’s planning on killing innocent people who don’t follow the same religion! And don’t start chopping up porky the pig or defending your child from a rapist or a gang of thieves that want to hurt your family! How dare you and shame on you!!!

     Give me break people; children are our only hope in this world, and a blessing. Why do we accept that it is ok to end that life just because it’s going to “hold you back”? Because YOU may not get the job YOU want or drive the car YOU want, or live in house YOU want to go to the places YOU want to go.  But we forget that in most cases it was YOU who chose to go down that path. (There is only been one immaculate conception in the history of the world and he gave his life so we could be saved.) YOU can choose to make the life choice and not the ME choice. We as a nation should be standing up for the future of our nation and stopping pretending for whatever reason that abortion is not murder because it absolutely is. 

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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