The Secret to a Secular Christmas (Satan's Favorite Holiday)

Per Wikipedia:  

Christmas (Old English: Crīstesmæsse, meaning "Christ's Mass") is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by billions of people around the world.

     What I find frustrating about Christmas is that almost ALL people recognize and celebrate this wonderful holiday. Christians and non-Christians alike choose to come together and rejoice on this day. They shop till they drop! Companies nationwide shut down and schools close (yet they don’t teach anyone about what Christmas is). Just about every character ever has their own “Christmas” special. Even Atheists and Agnostics come together to celebrate the birth of the one person whose life has changed the world more than anyone else in all of mankind. Yet, we have it all wrong. Christians especially get lost in the sauce when it comes to celebrating “giving.” Christmas is not significant because it’s the one time of year that WE are to give to others, but because God gave his son for US! Christmas is and will always remain the one worldwide holiday that will be celebrated for countless years to come because it represents the Word becoming flesh, so he could walk among us and show us how to live and then become the lamb to suffer and die for us.John 1:14

Although I admit I am amazed how Satan has managed to turn such a joyous day into a commercial success. Christmas has become more about profit and selfish endeavors. Jesus Christ has been replaced by a jolly bearded guy, and the latest gadgets. We have justified lying to our children about the truth because we have been convinced that a little baby born in the most humbled conditions of a dirty nasty manager is boring. We have allowed “the world” to guilt us into buying more and more and if you don’t you’re a terrible parent or a terrible person all together. I spent years lost in this charade of STUFF being what my Christmas was about. I wanted my children to have toys, toys, and more toys. When I sat back and wondered why? What do my kids really need that they do not already have? How could I have allowed myself to get caught up in this smoke and mirrors game of commercialized warfare! I said it plenty of times before and ill say it again. It’s easy to believe in God but no one ever seems to acknowledge that Satan is just as real. He is as alive as ever and you can see it daily during this time of year. Buy this, buy that, get this and you’ll be happy, etc. But it will never be enough I assure you. We can’t forget that Christmas, as mean as it may sound to say this, isn’t about giving!!!! It is about receiving, it’s about God the creator of all things taking on flesh and being born of a virgin in manure infested, cold and unsanitary manger. It’s about Jesus Christ being born into a world that didn’t deserve his Love but he did it anyway.

The secular world will always battle against Christ for this holiday. They will always twist it and turn it into something else. Just as they force the Easter bunny down our throats they do the same with a jolly old fat man. Someone once said that convincing your children to believe in a fake Santa will only make it that much harder to convince them that Jesus is real. I am not telling anyone to not be cheerful and full of joy, but I am challenging you to focus on the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of our Savior).

It’s almost ironic how strongly the Secular world has chosen to embrace this holiday as if it ever had a different meaning. If someone decided to make your Birthday a national holiday but the next year said that “(insert name here) Mas” was really about some Fake fat guy squeezing himself down a tiny chimney, would that be justified in your eyes? I’d be pretty upset! But yet the secular world acts as if December 25th can be celebrated in whatever way they choose, a date that is significant for absolutely NO other reason than the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I cordially invite you to embrace the Truth; but if you choose not to embrace the true meaning of Christmas and deny is holy significance, well then maybe you should look into Festvus…

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


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